List of Publications

Selected peer-review publications: 500 (Books: 9, Book chapters: 43, Patents: 6, Journal articles: 442)
Google Scholar Metrics

Citations: 40730

h-index: 103

i10-index: 415


Ranjna Sirohi, Ayon Tarafdar, Luciana Porto de Souza Vandenberghe, Mohammad Taherzadeh, Ashok Pandey2025Sustainable technologies in Food waste managementCRC Press9781032705941
Mohammad Taherzadeh, Jorge Ferreira, Ashok Pandey2022Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Filamentous Fungi BiorefineryElsevier9780323918725
Sunita Varjani, Ashok Pandey, Mohammad Taherzadeh, Huu Hao Ngo, RD Tyagi2022Biomass, Biofuels, Biochemicals: Circular Bioeconomy: Technologies for Waste RemediationElsevier9780323885119
Ashok Pandey, Ranjna Sirohi, Christian Larroche, Mohammad Taherzadeh2022Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Advances in Bioprocess EngineeringElsevier9780323911672
Jonathan Wong, Guneet Kaur, Mohammad Taherzadeh, Ashok Pandey, Katia Lasaridi2021Current Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Sustainable Food Waste Management: Resource Recovery and TreatmentElsevier9780128191484
Mohammad Taherzadeh, Kim Bolton, Jonathan Wong, Ashok Pandey2019Sustainable Resource Recovery and Zero Waste ApproachesElsevier9780444642004
Sachin Kumar, Pratibha Dheeran, Mohammad Taherzadeh, Samir Khanal2018Fungal biorefineriesSpringer9783319903781
Ashok Pandey, Rainer Höfer, Mohammad Taherzadeh, Madhavan Nampoothiri, Christian Larroche2015Industrial Biorefineries and White Biotechnology, 1st EditionElsevier9780444634535
Mohammad Taherzadeh, Tobias Richards2015Resource Recovery to Approach Zero Municipal WasteCRC Press9781482240351

Book Chapters

Öztürk A.B., Heathcote-Fumador I.E., McSey I.A., M’Nkubitu E., Thomi D., Wainaina S., Taherzadeh M.J. 2025Food Waste Management through Machine Learning, IoT, and Blockchain. Sustainable technologies in Food waste managementRanjana Sirohi, Ayon Tarafdar, Luciana Porto de Souza Vandenberghe, Mohammad Taherzadeh, Ashok Pandey12233-2619781032705941
Harirchi S., Mirshafiei M., Öztürk A.B., Parchami M., Yazdani F., Taherzadeh M.J2025Production of Biogas from Food WasteSustainable technologies in Food waste managementRanjana Sirohi, Ayon Tarafdar, Luciana Porto de Souza Vandenberghe, Mohammad Taherzadeh, Ashok Pandey690-1239781032705941
Adeel M, Jamil H, Taherzadeh MJ, Schmidt JE, Bilal M2024Recycling tendencies in plastic waste management for environmental sustainabilityNanotechnology to monitor, remedy and prevent pollutionMuhammad Bilal, Hafiz M. N. Iqbal, Tuan Anh Nguyen, Ghulam Yasin, Ram K. GuptaChapter 22527-5659780443156601
Sar, T., Harirchi, S., Yazdian, F., Taherzadeh, M.J.2023Microorganisms used in BiorefineriesBiotic Resources: Circular Bioeconomy PerspectiveThallada Bhaskar, Sunita Varjani, Bhavya B Krishna, Ashok PandeyChapter 221-589781032371009
Pervez M.N., Mahboubi A., Hasan S.W., Zarra T., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V., Taherzadeh M.J.2022Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration as Efficient, Sustainable Pretreatment Technologies for Resource RecoveryWater-Energy-Nexus in the Ecological TransitionV. Naddeo, K.H. Choo, M. Ksibi279-281978-3-031-00807-8
Parchami M., Sar T., Bulkan G., Ferreira J. A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2022Versatility of Filamentous Fungi in Novel ProcessesFilamentous Fungi BiorefineryTaherzadeh, Ferreira, PandeyChapter 18533-574
Karimi S., Ferreira J. A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2022Filamentous fungi as animal and fish feed ingredientsFilamentous Fungi BiorefineryTaherzadeh, Ferreira, PandeyChapter 13399-4349780323918725
Wikandari R., Manikharda, Dewanti-Haryadi R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2022Filamentous Fungi for FoodFilamentous Fungi BiorefineryTaherzadeh, Ferreira, PandeyChapter 12343-3989780323918725
Harirchi, S., Rousta, N., Varjani S., Taherzadeh, M.J.2022Sampling, Preservation, and Growth Monitoring of Filamentous FungiFilamentous Fungi BiorefineryTaherzadeh, Ferreira, PandeyChapter 5149-1809780323918725
Sar, T., Rousta, N., Mahboubi, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2022Media preparation and sterilization in bioprocessesAdvances in Bioprocess EngineeringPandey, Sirohi, Larroche, TaherzadehChapter 15399-4309780323911672
Shahid, MK; Kashif, A; Choi, Y; Varjani, S; Taherzadeh, MJ; Rout, PR2022Circular bioeconomy perspective of agro-waste-based biocharCircular Bioeconomy: Technologies for Waste RemediationS. Varjani, A. Pandey, M.J. Taherzadeh, H.H. Ngo. RD TyagiChapter 10223-2439780323885119
Mahboubi, A; Agnihotri, S; Uwineza, C; Jomnonkhaow, U; Taherzadeh, MJ2022Waste-derived volatile fatty acids for sustainable ruminant feed supplementationCircular Bioeconomy: Technologies for Waste RemediationS. Varjani, A. Pandey, M.J. Taherzadeh, H.H. Ngo. RD TyagiChapter 18407-4309780323885119
Varjani, S., Mishra, B., Yadavalli, R., Bui, X.H., Taherzadeh, M.J., Agrawal, D.H. You, S., Chang, J.S.2021Petroleum waste biorefinery: A way towards circular economyWaste Biorefinery: Value Addition through Resources UtilizationBhaskar, T., Varjani, S., Pandey. A., Rene, E.Chapter 13375-3899780128218792
Ferreira, J.A., Wainaina, S., Rousta, K., Lennartsson, P.R., Pettersson, A., Richards, T., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Challenges for microbial and thermochemical transformation towards circular bioeconomyBiomass, Biofuels, Biochemicals: Circular Bioeconomy: Technologies for Waste RemediationVarjani, S., Pandey A., Taherzadeh, M., Ngo, H., Tyagi, R.D.Chapter 25749-7799780323885119
Liu, T., Ren X., Zhao, J., Chen, H, Wang, Q., Awasthi, S.K., Duan, Y., Pandey, A., Taherzadeh, M.J., Awasthi, M.K., Zhang, Z.2021Sustainability Analysis of Large-Scale Food Waste CompostingSustainable Bioresources for Emerging BioeconomyPandey et al.Chapter 13301-3229780444643094
Karimi, S., Ferreria J., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021The application of fungal biomass as feedEncyclopedia of Mycologyde Vries, R. & Mäkelä, MVol 2601-612978-0-323-85180-0
Wainaina, S., Lukitawesa, Taherzadeh, MJ.2021Microbial Conversion of Food Waste: Volatile Fatty Acids PlatformSustainable Food Waste Management: Resource Recovery and TreatmentWong, J.; Kaur, G.; Taherzadeh, M.J; Pandey, A.; Lasaridi K.Chapter 7205-2349780128191484
Mihai, F.C., Plana, R., Taherzadeh, M.J., Awasti M.K., Ezeah, C.2020Bioremediation of organic contaminants based on biowaste composting practicesHandbook of Bioremediation: Physiological, Molecular and Biotechnological InterventionsHasanuzzaman M., Prasad MNV.Chapter 45701-7139780128193839
Souza Filho, P.F., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Integrated biorefineries for the production of bioethanol, biodiesel, and other commodity chemicalsGreen Energy to Sustainability: Strategies for Global IndustriesVertes A, Qureshi N, Blaschek HP, Yukawa H.Chapter 19467-488978-1119152026
Bulkan, G., Ferreira, J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Removal of organic micro-pollutants using filamentous fungiCurrent Developments in Biotechnology and BioengineeringS. Varjani, A. Pandey, R. Tyagi, H. H. Ngo, C. LarrocheChapter 15363-3969780128195949
Patinvoh, R.J., Taherzadeh, M.J.2019Fermentation processes for second generation biofuels2nd and 3rd Generation Feedstocks: The Evolution of BiofuelsF. Dalena & A. BasileChapter 9241-2729780128151624
Ferreira J.A., Agnihotri S., Taherzadeh M.J.2019Waste biorefinerySustainable Resource Recovery and Zero Waste ApproachesTaherzadeh, MJ; Bolton, K.; Wong, J.; Pandey A.Chapter 335-729780444642004
Millati R., Cahyono R.B., Ariyanto T., Azzahrani I.N., Putri R.U., Taherzadeh M.J.2019Agricultural, industrial, municipal, and forest wastes: An overviewSustainable Resource Recovery and Zero Waste ApproachesTaherzadeh, MJ; Bolton, K.; Wong, J.; Pandey A.Chapter 11-229780444642004
Wikandari, R., Sanjaya, A.P., Millati, R., Karimi K., Taherzadeh M. J.2018Fermentation inhibitors in ethanol and biogas processes and strategies to counteract their effectsBiofuels: Alternative Feedstocks and Conversion Processes for the Production of Liquid and Gaseous BiofuelsA. Pandey, C. Larroche, S. Ricke, C.G. Dussap, E. GnansounouChapter 20461-4999780128168561
Chandolias, K., Richards, T., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Combined gasification-fermentation process in waste biorefineryWaste Biorefinery: Potential and PerspectivesBhaskar, T.; Pandey, A.Chapter 5157-200978-0444639929
Mihai, F.C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2017Rural waste management issues at global levelSolid Waste Management in Rural AreasMihai FCChapter 11-10978-9535154877
Batori, V., Åkesson, D., Zamani, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2017Pectin-based compositesHandbook of Composites from Renewable MaterialsThakur, V.K., Thakur, M.K. and Kessler M.R.Vol. 5, Chapter 17487-513978-1119224365
Nair, R.B., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Bioethanol production from agricultural and municipal wastesCurrent Developments in Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Solid Waste MangementWong, J.; Tyagi, R.D.; Pandey, A.Chapter 8157-190978-0444636645
Wikandari, R., Millati, R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Pretreatment of lignocellulose with solvent – NMMOBiomass Fractionation Technologies for a Lignocellulosic Feedstock Based BiorefineryMussatto, S.I.Chapter 12255-2799780128023235
Barghi, H., Taherzadeh, M.J.2015Surface Electroconductive Modification of BiopolymersSurface Modification of BiopolymersKumar, V., Singha, A.S.Chapter 10238-2579781118669556
Kabir, M.M., Forgacs, G., Taherzadeh, M.J., Sárvári Horváth, I.2015Biogas from Wastes: Processes and ApplicationsResource Recovery to Approach Zero Municipal WasteTaherzadeh, MJ; Richards T.Chapter 6107-1409781482240351
Rousta, K., Richards, T., Taherzadeh, M.J.2015An Overview of Solid Waste Management toward Zero Landfill: A Swedish ModelResource Recovery to Approach Zero Municipal WasteTaherzadeh, MJ; Richards T.Chapter 11-229781482240351
Rajendran, K., Björk, H., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Waste recovery international partnership: A model to transfer technology and create local developmentDesign, Waste and DignityM.C. Loschiavo dos SantosChapter 16291-300978-85-62114-35-9
Taherzadeh, M.J., Rajendran, K.2014Factors affecting development of waste management - experiences from different culturesWaste Management and Sustainable Consumption: The Problem of Post-Consumer WasteEkström, K.M.Chapter 467-87978-1-13-879726-0
Aslanzadeh, S., Ishola, M.M., Richards, T., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014An Overview of Existing Individual Unit Operations in Biological and Thermal platforms of BiorefineriesBiorefineries: Integrated Biochemical Processes for Liquid BiofuelsN. Qureshi, D. Hodge & A.V. VertesChapter 13-36978-0444594983
Rajendran, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic MaterialsBioprocessing of Renewable Resources to Commodity BioproductsV. Bisaria & A. KondoChapter 343-76978-1118175835
Aslanzadeh, S., Rajendran, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Pretreatment of Lignocelluloses for Biogas and Ethanol ProcessesAdvances in Industrial BiotechnologyRam Sarup Singh, Ashok Pandey and Christian LarrocheChapter 8125-150978-9382332763
Lennartsson, P.R., Edebo, L., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014RhizopusEncyclopedia of Food MicrobiologyBatt, C.A., Tortorello, M.L.Vol 3284–290978-0123847331
Taherzadeh, M.J., Lennartsson, P.R., Teichert, O., Nordholm, H.2013Bioethanol Production ProcessesBiofuels ProductionBabu,V., Thapliyal A and Patel G.KChapter 8211-253978-1118634509
Taherzadeh M. J., Jeihanipour A.2012Recalcitrance of Lignocellulosic Biomass to Anaerobic DigestionPretreatments for enhanced Anaerobic TechnologyMudhoo A.Chapter 227-54978-1118062852
Taherzadeh M. J., Karimi K.2011Fermentation Inhibitors in ethanol processes and different strategies to reduce their effectsBiofuels, Alternative Feedstocks and Conversion ProcessesA. Pandey, C. Larroche, S. Ricke, C.G. Dussap, E. GnansounouChapter 12287-311978-0123850997
Taherzadeh M. J., Karimi, K.2008Bioethanol: Market and Production ProcessesBiofuel Refining and PerformanceA. NagChapter 369-106978-0071489706
Taherzadeh M. J., Niklasson C.2004Ethanol from Lignocellulosic Materials: Pretreatment, Acid and Enzymatic Hydrolyses and FermentationLignocellulose BiodegradationB. C. Saha, K. HayashiChapter 349-680-8412-3876-6


AuthorsYearTitleApplication Number
Taherzadeh M.J., Hellwig C., Lukitawesa L., Wainaina S., Agnihotri S2022A method and a system for manufacturing a protein-rich biomass comprising edible filamentous fungusEP 20210171629
Doyen, W., De Wever, H., Molenberghs, B., Mahboubi A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Biomass Membrane ContactorEuropean Patent Appl. EP16173481 & WO 2017/211750
Nair, R.B., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Process for edible filamentous fungal cultivation and its integration in conventional sugar to ethanolIndia Patent Appl. 201621018552 & WO 2017/208255
Lennartsson, P.R., Erlandsson, P., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Integration of first and second generation bioethanol processesSweden Patent Appl. 13514963
Barghi, H., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Bulk hydrophilic functionalization of polyamide 46WO Patent 2013058702
Pourbafrani, M., Forgacs, G., Horvath, I.S., Taherzadeh, M.J.2011Framställning av mångahanda biprodukter från fasta citrusresterSweden Patent SE 534774

Journal Articles

Duan Y, Wang Z, Ganeshan P, Sar T, Xu S, Rajendran K, Sindhu R, Binod P, Pandey A, Zhang Z, Taherzadeh MJ, Awasthi MK2025Anaerobic digestion in global bio-energy production for sustainable bioeconomy: Potential and research challengesRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 208: 114985: 1-16
Neto A.S., Wainaina S., Chandolias K., Piatek P., Taherzadeh M.J. 2025Exploring the potential of syngas fermentation for recovery of high-value resources: a comprehensive reviewCurrent Pollution Reports: 11: 7: 1-18
Toghiani J., Fallah N., Nasernejad B., Mahboubi A., Taherzadeh M.J. Neda Afsham 2025Production of protein-rich fungal biomass from pistachio dehulling waste using edible Neurospora intermediaScientific Reports, in press
Marques AM, Oliveira SM, Martins AJ, Bourbon AI, Rousta N, Taherzadeh MJ, Teixeira JA, Cerqueira MA, Pastrana LM 2025Use of a coaxial nozzle-assisted 3D printing and ionic crosslinking to control the texture of a mycoprotein-based food productFuture Foods, 11: 100530: 1-13
Moronkola A.A., Oyedeko K.F.K., Patinvoh R.J., Akinbomi J.G., Wainaina S., Taherzadeh M.J. 2025Optimization of Volatile Fatty Acids from Food Wastes for Polyhydroxyalkanoates SynthesisBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery, in press
Basereh N., Wainaina S., Mahboubi A., Taherzadeh M.J.2025Fractionation of waste-derived volatile fatty acids by multi-stage adsorption using Activated Charcoal and Diaion HP-20 resinBioengineered, 16(1): 2458366: 1-19
Akinbomi JG, Patinvoh JJ, Atunrase OS, Onyenuwe BC, Emereonye CN, Ajeigbe JF, Taherzadeh MJ 2025Evaluating Potentials of Activated Carbon, Inoculum Diversity, and Total Solids Content for Improved Digestate Quality in Anaerobic Food Waste TreatmentProcesses, 13: 382: 1-15
Ghaffarzadeh O, Hedjazi S, Abdulkhani A, Ataeefard M, Taherzadeh M.J.2024Evaluation of Printability Indexes of Testliner Paper Sized by The Extracted Lignin of Soda PulpingJ Color Sci Tech., 18(2): 121-133
Cairone S., Naddeo V., Belgiorno V., Taherzadeh M.J., Mahboubi A.2024Evaluating the Impact of Membrane Properties and Feed pH on Concentration and Fractionation of Volatile Fatty Acid Using NanofiltrationJournal of Water Process Engineering, 65: 105793: 1-13
Kaya B., Yüceer Y.K., Agnihotri S., Taherzadeh M.J., Sar T.2024The use of cheese whey powder in the cultivation of protein-rich filamentous fungal biomass for sustainable food productionFrontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8: 1386519: 1-11
Sar T., Pyrka I., Taherzadeh M.J., Nenadis N., Mantzouridou F.T.2024On the perspective of solid-state fermented olive leaves for high-added value applicationsWaste and Biomass Valorization, 15: 6865-6877
Parchami, M., Roustas B.O., Taherzadeh, M.J., Mahboubi, M.2024An in vitro evaluation of partial energy replacement in a total mixed ration with volatile fatty acids derived from agro-industrial residuesSystems Microbiology and Biomanufacturing, in press
Elferjane MR, Milutinovi? V, Krivoku?a MJ, Taherzadeh MJ, Pietrzak W, Marinkovi? A, Jovanovi? AA2024Vaccinium myrtillus L. leaf waste as a source of biologically potent compounds: optimization of polyphenol extractions, chemical profile, and biological properties of the extractsPharmaceutics, 16: 740: 1-41
Lukumon S., Patinvoh R.J., Taherzadeh M.J.2024Waste Plastic Char as Adsorbent for Removal of Pollutants from Landfill Leachates – A Critical ReviewEnvironmental Advances, 16: 100522: 1-13
Toghiani J., Malekzadeh S., Jamali N., Afsham N., Fallah N., Mahboubi A., Nasernejad B., Taherzadeh M.J.2024Novel Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) as lignocellulosic biomass pretreatment approaches and their sustainability assessment: A reviewCurrent Pollution Reports, 10: 207-246
Awasthi MK, Amobonye A, Bhagwat P, Ashokkumar V, Gowd SC, Dregulo AM, Rajendran K, Flora G, Kumar V, Pillai S, Zhang Z, Sindhu R, Taherzadeh MJ2024Biochemical engineering for elemental sulfur from flue gases through multi-enzymatic based approaches – A reviewSci. Total Environ, 914: 169857: 1-12
Saini R, Tiwari BR, Brancoli P, Taherzadeh MJ, Brar SK2024Environmental assessment of Rhodosporidium toruloides-1588 based oil production using wood hydrolysate and crude glycerolBioresource Technology, 393: 130102: 1-10
Rousta, N., Aslan, M., Yesilcimen Akbas, M., Ozcan, F., Sar, T., & Taherzadeh, M. J.2024Effects of fungal based bioactive compounds on human health: Review paper,Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 64 (20): 7004-7027
Oladzad, S., Fallah, N., Mahboubi A., Afsham N., Taherzadeh M.J., Toghiani J.2024Comparison of acid and hydrothermal pretreatments of Date waste for value creationScientific Reports, 14: 18056: 1-14
Parchami M, Rustas BO, Taherzadeh MJ, Mahboubi A2024Effect of Agro-Industrial by Products Derived from Volatile Fatty Acids on Ruminant Feed In Vitro DigestibilityAnimals, 14(16):2330: 1-17
Uwineza C, Parchami M, Bouzarjomehr M, Taherzadeh MJ, Mahboubi A2024Recent developments in the application of filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae in ruminant feedAnimals, 14(16): 2427: 1-34
Sar T., Marchlewicz A., Harirchi S., Mantzouridou F., Hosoglu M.I., Hellwig C., Taherzadeh, M. J. 2024Resource recovery and treatment of wastewaters using filamentous fungiSci. Total Environ, 951: 175752: 1-17
Wang, R., Rousta, N., Mahboubi A., Fristedt R., Undeland, I., Sandberg, A.S., Taherzadeh, M.J. 2024In vitro protein digestibility and mineral accessibility of edible filamentous Fungi cultivated in oat flourNFS Journal, 36: 100189: 1-9
Karimi, S., Agnihotri, S., Ferreira, J., Taherzadeh, M.J.2023Evaluating three fungal biomasses grown on diluted thin stillage as potential fish feed ingredientsBioresource Technology Reports, 24: 101677: 1-10
Braho V, Sar, T, Taherzadeh MJ2023Cultivation of edible filamentous fungi on pomegranate by-products as feedstocks to produce mycoproteinSystems Microbiology and Biomanufacturing, 4: 675-686
Uwineza C, Bouzarjomehr M, Parchami M, Sar T, Taherzadeh MJ, Mahboubi A2023Evaluation of in vitro digestibility of Aspergillus oryzae fungal biomass grown on organic residue derived?VFAs as a promising ruminant feed supplementJournal of Animal Science and Biotechnology, 14: 120: 1-16
Li Y, Meenatchisundaram K, Rajendran K, Gohil N, Kumar V, Singh V, Solanki MK, Harirchi S, Zhang Z, Sindhu R, Taherzadeh MJ, Awasthi MK2023Sustainable Conversion of Biowaste to Energy to Tackle the Emerging Pollutants: A ReviewCurrent Pollution Reports, 9: 660-679
Ghaffarzadeh, O., Hedjazi, S. Abdulkhani, A., Ataeefard, M., Taherzadeh, M.2023Surface sizing of testliner paper with aminated soda lignin and evaluation of the surface, barrier and Mechanical Properties of produced papersJournal of Forest and Wood Products, 76(2): 165-179
Liu X, Ding S, Gao F, Wang Y, Taherzadeh MJ, Wang Y, Qin X, Wang X, Luo H, Yao B, Huang H, Tu T2023Exploring the cellulolytic and hemicellulolytic activities of manganese peroxidase for lignocellulose deconstructionBiotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts, 16(1): 139: 1-10
Parchami, M., Uwineza, C., Ugochukwu, O., Rustas B.O., Mahboubi, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2023Membrane bioreactor assisted volatile fatty acids production from agro-industrial residues for ruminant feed application Waste ManagementWaste Management, 170: 62-74
Parchami, M., Mahboubi, A., Agnihotri, S., Taherzadeh, M.J.2023Biovalorization of brewer's spent grain as single-cell protein through coupling organosolv pretreatment and fungal cultivationWaste Management, 169: 382-391
Chandolias K., Pawar S.K., Vu H.D., Wainaina S., Taherzadeh M.J.2023Bio-hydrogen and VFA production from steel mill gases using pure and mixed bacterial culturesBioresource Technology Reports, 23: 101544: 1-9
Wang, R., Sar, T., Mahboubi A., Fristedt R., Taherzadeh M.J., Undeland, I.2023In vitro protein digestibility of edible filamentous fungi compared to common food protein sourcesFood Bioscience, 54: 102862: 1-9
Li, Y; Awasthi, M.K.; Sindhu, R; Binod, P; Zhang, Z; Taherzadeh, M.J.2023Biochar preparation and evaluation of its effect in composting mechanism: A reviewBioresource Technology, 384: 129329: 1-12
Ghaffarzadeh O, Hedjazi S, Abdulkhani A, Ataeefard M., Taherzadeh MJ2023Improvement of physical and mechanical properties of testliner coated by unmodified and modified ligninsIranian J. Wood Paper Ind., 14(1): 1-15
Vu DH, Mahboubi A, Root A, Heinmaa A, Taherzadeh MJ, Åkesson D2023Application of immersed membrane bioreactor for semi-continuous production of polyhydroxyalkanoates from volatile fatty acidsMembranes, 13: 569: 1-16
Song, Y., Qiao, W., Westerholm, M., Huang, G., Taherzadeh, M.J., Dong, R.2023Microbiological and technological insights on anaerobic digestion of animal manure: a reviewFermentation, 9: 436: 1-22
Sapmaz, T., Manafi, R., Mahboubi, A., Koseoglu-Imer D.Y., Taherzadeh, M.J.2023The effect of sequential and simultaneous supplementation of waste-derived volatile fatty acids and methanol as alternative carbon source blend for wastewater denitrificationSustainability, 15: 6849: 1-16
Awasthi M.K., Sar T., Gowd S.C., Rajendran K., Kumar V., Sarsaiya S., Li Y., Sindhu R., Binod P., Zhang Z., Pandey A., Taherzadeh M.J.2023A comprehensive review on thermochemical, and biochemical conversion methods of lignocellulosic biomass into valuable end productFuel, 342: 127790: 1-9
Haykir N.I., Zahari S.M.S.N.S., Harirchi S., Sar T., Awasthi M.K., Taherzadeh M.J.2023Applications of ionic liquids for the biochemical transformation of lignocellulosic biomass into biofuels and biochemicals: A critical reviewBiochem. Eng. J., 193: 108850: 1-18
Kumar V., Vangnai A.S., Sharma N., Kaur K., Chakraborty P., Umesh M., Singhal B., Utreja D., Carrasco E.U., Andler R., Awasthi M.K., Taherzadeh M.J.2023Bioengineering of biowaste to recover bioproducts and bioenergy: A circular economy approach towards sustainable zero-waste environmentChemosphere, 319: 138005: 1-14
Sapmaz, T., Uwineza, C., Mahboubi, A., De Wever, H., Koseoglu-Imer D.Y., Taherzadeh, M.J.2023Towards maximum value creation from potato protein liquor: volatile fatty acids production from fungal cultivation effluentBiomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 13: 16359- 16372
Millati R., Wikandari R., Ariyanto T., Hasniah N., Taherzadeh M.J.2023Anaerobic Digestion Biorefinery for Circular Bioeconomy DevelopmentBioresource Technology Reports, 21: 101315: 1-15
Awasthi MK., Kumar V., Hellwig C., Wikandari R., Harirchi S., Sar T., Wainaina S., Sindhu R., Binod P., Zhang Z., Taherzadeh M.J.2023Filamentous fungi for sustainable vegan food production systems within a circular economy: Present status and future prospectsFood Research International, 164: 112318: 1-17
Kumar V., Brancoli P., Narisetty V., Wallace S., Charalampopoulos D., Dubey B.K., Kumar G., Bhatnagar A., Bhatia S.K., Taherzadeh M.J.2023Bread waste – A potential Feedstock for Sustainable Circular BiorefineriesBioresource Technology, 369: 128449: 1-13
Zhang Y., Yun J., Zabed H.M., Dou Y., Zhang G., Zhao M., Taherzadeh M.J. Ragauskas A., Qi X.2023High-level co-production of 3-hydroxypropionic acid and 1,3-propanediol from glycerol: Metabolic engineering and process optimizationBioresource Technology, 369: 128438: 1-10
Lee D.J., Taherzadeh M.J., Tyagi R.D., Chen C.2023Advanced activated sludge processes toward circular bioeconomyBioresource Technology, 368: 128325: 1-2
Wainaina, S., Taherzadeh, M.J.2023Automation and artificial intelligence in filamentous fungi-based bioprocesses: a reviewBioresource Technology, 369: 128421: 1-12
Babolanimogadam N., Gandomi H., Akhondzadeh Basti A., Taherzadeh M.J.2023Nutritional, functional, and sensorial properties of oat milk produced by single and combined acid, alkaline, ?-amylase, and sprouting treatmentsFood Science & Nutrition, 11(5): 2288-2297
Ding Z., Awasthi S.K., Kumar M., Kumar V., Dregulo A.M., Yadav V., Sindhu R., Binod P., Sarsaiya S., Pandey A., Taherzadeh M.J., Rathour R., Singh L., Zhang Z., Lian Z., Awasthi M.K.2023A thermo-chemical and biotechnological approaches for bamboo waste recycling and conversion to value added product: Towards a zero-waste biorefinery and circular bioeconomyFuel, 333: 126469: 1-22
Vu, D.H., Mahboubi, A., Ferreira, J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J., Åkesson, D.2022Polyhydroxybutyrate-natural fiber reinforcement biocomposite production and their biological recyclability through anaerobic digestionEnergies, 15(23): 8934: 1-14
Harirchi S., Sar T., Ramezani M., Aliyu H., Etemadifar Z., Nojoumi S.A., Yazdian F., Awasthi M.K., Taherzadeh M.J.2022Bacillales: From Taxonomy to Biotechnological and Industrial PerspectivesMicroorganisms, 10(12): 2355: 1-46
Devanthi P.V.P., Pratama F., Kho K., Taherzadeh M.J., Aslanzadeh S.2022The Effect of Dekkera bruxellensis Concentration and Inoculation Time on Bacterial Cellulose Synthesis by Komagataeibacter intermediusJ. Fungi., 8: 1206: 1-13
Yin, D.M., Uwineza, C., Sapmaz, T., Mahboubi, A., De Wever, H., Qiao, W., Taherzadeh, M.J.2022Volatile fatty acids (VFA) production and recovery from chicken manure using a high-solid anaerobic membrane bioreactor (AnMBR)Membranes, 12(11): 1133: 1-16
Toghiani J., Fallah N., Nasernejad B., Mahboubi A., Taherzadeh M.J. Neda Afsham2022Sustainable Pistachio dehulling waste management and its valorization approaches: A reviewCurrent Pollution Reports, 9: 60-72: 1-13
Sapmaz, T., Manafi, R., Mahboubi, A., Lorick, D., Koseoglu-Imer D.Y., Taherzadeh, M.J.2022Potential of food waste-derived volatile fatty acids as alternative carbon source for denitrifying moving bed biofilm reactorsBioresource Technology, 364: 128046: 1-9
Rousta, N., Larsson K., Fristedt R., Undeland I., Agnihotri, S., Taherzadeh M.J.2022Production of fungal biomass from oat flour for the use as a nutritious food sourceNFS Journal, 29: 8-15
Parchami, M., Agnihotri, S., Taherzadeh, M.J.2022Aqueous ethanol organosolv process for the valorization of Brewer’s spent grain (BSG)Bioresource Technol., 362: 127764: 1-13
Awasthi MK, Yan B, Sar T, Gómez-García R, Ren L, Sharma P, Binod P, Sindhu R, Kumar V, Kumar D, Mohamed BA, Zhang Z, Taherzadeh MJ2022Organic waste recycling for carbon smart circular bioeconomy and sustainable development: A reviewBioresource Technology, 360: 127620: 1-13
Awasthi, M K; Harirchi, S; Sar, T; Vigneswaran, V S; Rajendran, K.; Gómez-García, R.; Hellwig, C.; Binod, P.; Sindhu, R;Madhavan, A; Kumar, ANA; Kumar, V; Kumar, D; Zhang, Z., Taherzadeh M.J.2022Myco-biorefinery approaches for food waste valorization: Present Status and Future ProspectsBioresource Technology, 360: 127592: 1-16
Sapmaz, T., Mahboubi, A., Taher, M.N., Beler?Baykal, B., Karagunduz, A., Taherzadeh, M.J., Koseoglu-Imer D.Y.2022Waste-derived volatile fatty acid production and ammonium removal from it by ion exchange process with natural zeoliteBioengineered, 13(6): 14751-14769
Hellwig C., Rousta, N., Wikandari, R., Taherzadeh M.J., Häggblom-Kronlöf G., Bolton K., Rousta K.2022Household fermentation of leftover bread to nutritious foodWaste Management, 150: 39-47
Ding, S., Liu, X., Hakulinen, N., Taherzadeh, M.J., Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Qin, X., Wang, X., Yao, B., Luo, H., Tu, T.2022Boosting enzymatic degradation of cellulose using a fungal expansin: structural insight into the pretreatment mechanismBioresource Technology, 358: 127434: 1-9
Pervez M.N., Mahboubi A., Uwineza C., Sampaz, T., Zarra T., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V., Taherzadeh M.J.2022Feasibility of nanofiltration process for high efficient recovery and concentrations of food waste-derived volatile fatty acidsJ. Water Process. Eng., 48: 102933: 1-11
Bulkan G., Yudhanti G.T., Sitaresmi S., Millati R., Wikandari R., Taherzadeh M.J.2022Inhibitory or Stimulatory Effects of Fruit Bioactive Compounds on Edible Filamentous Fungi: A Potential of Innovative Food ApplicationsFermentation, 8(6): 270: 1-17
Nazir M.T., Mahboubi A., Taherzadeh M.J., Ferreira J.A.2022Production of filamentous fungal biomass with increased oil contents using olive oil as a carbon sourceJ. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 97(9): 2626-2635
Akinbomi, J.G., Patinvoh, R.J., Taherzadeh, M.J.2022Current Challenges of High-Solid Anaerobic Digestion and Possible Measures for its Effective Appplications: A ReviewBiotechnology for Biofuels and Bioproducts, 15:52: 1-13
Ucm, R., Aem, M., Lhb, Z., Kumar, V., Taherzadeh, M.J., Garlapati, V.J., Chandel, A.K.2022Comprehensive review on biotechnological production of hyaluronic acid: status, innovation, market and applicationsBioengineered, 13(4): 9645-9661
Asadollahzadeh, M., Mahboubi, A., Taherzadeh, M.J., Åkesson, D., Lennartsson, P.R.2022Application of Fungal Biomass for the Development of New Polylactic Acid-Based BiocompositesPolymers, 14(9): 1738: 1-16
Gaur V.K., Gautam K., Sharma P. Gupta P., Dwivedi S., Srivastava J.K., Varjani S., Ngo H.H., Kim S.H., Chang J.S., Buik X.T., Taherzadeh M.J., Parra-Saldívar R.2022Sustainable strategies for combating hydrocarbon pollution: Special emphasis on mobil oil bioremediationSci. Total Environ, 832: 155083:1-12
Awasthi M.K., Lukitawesa, L., Duana Y., Taherzadeh M.J., Zhang Z.2022Bacterial dynamics during the anaerobic digestion of toxic citrus fruit waste and semi-continues volatile fatty acids production in membrane bioreactorsFuel, 319: 123812: 1-9
Koul Y., Devda V., Varjani S., Guo W., Ngo H.H., Taherzadeh M.J., Chang J.S., Wong J.W.C., Bui X.T., Parra-Saldívar R.2022Microbial Electrolysis: A Promising and Green Approach for treatment and resource recovery from industrial effluentsBioengineered, 13(4). 8115-8134
Sar T., Larsson K., Fristedt R., Undeland I., Taherzadeh M.J.2022Demo-scale production of protein-rich fungal biomass from potato protein liquor for use as innovative food and feed productsFood Biosci., 47: 101637: 1-9
Pervez M.N., Bilgic B., Mahboubi A., Uwineza C., Zarra T., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V., Taherzadeh M.J.2022Double-stage membrane-assisted anaerobic digestion process intensification for production and recovery of volatile fatty acids from food wasteSci. Total Environ, 825: 154084: 1-13
Awasthi S.K, Kumar M., Sarsaiya S., Ahluwalia V., Chen H., Kaur G., Sirohi R., Sindhu R., Binod P., Pandey A., Rathour R., Kumar S., Singh L., Zhang Z., Taherzadeh M.J., Awasthi, M.K.2022Multi-criteria research lines on livestock manure biorefinery development towards a circular economy: From the perspective of a life cycle assessment and business models strategiesJ. Cleaner Prod., 341: 130862: 1-20
Sar T., Arifa V.H., Hilmy M.R., Ferreira J.A., Wikandari R., Millati R., Taherzadeh M.J.2022Organosolv pretreatment of oat husk using oxalic acid as an alternative organic acid and its potential applications in biorefineryBiomass Convers. Biorefin., in press
Awasthi, M K,; Sindhu, R; Sirohi, R; Kumar, V; Ahluwalia, V; Binod, P; Juneja, A; Kumar, D;Yan, B; Sarsaiya, S; Zhang, Z; Pandey, A; Taherzadeh, M J2022Agricultural waste biorefinery development towards circular bioeconomyRenew. Sust. Energ. Rev., 158: 112122: 1-17
Pervez M.N., Mahboubi A., Uwineza C., Zarra T., Belgiorno V., Naddeo V., Taherzadeh M.J.2022Factors influencing pressure-driven membrane-assisted volatile fatty acids recovery and purification-A reviewSci. Total Environ, 817: 152993: 1-23
Bulkan G., Sitaresmi S., Yudhanti G.T., Millati R., Wikandari R., Taherzadeh M.J.2022Enhancing or Inhibitory Effect of Fruit or Vegetable Bioactive Compound on Aspergillus niger and A. oryzae, J. Fungi, 8(1): 12: 1-15
Awasthi M.K., Singh E., Binod P., Sindhu R., Sarsaiya S., Kumar A., Chen H., Duan Y., Pandey A., Kumar S., Taherzadeh M.J., Li J., Zhang Z.2022Biotechnological strategies for bio-transforming biosolid into resources toward circular bio-economy: A reviewRenew. Sust. Energ. Rev., 156: 111987: 1-20
Hellwig C., Taherzadeh M.J., Bolton K., Lundin M., Häggblom-Kronlöf G., Rousta K.2022Aspects that Affect Tasting Studies of Emerging Food – A ReviewFuture Foods, 5: 100109: 1-16
Wikandaria, R., Hasniah, N., Taherzadeh, M.J.2022The role of filamentous fungi in advancing the development of sustainable circular bioeconomyBioresour. Technol., 345: 126531: 1-11
Sar, T., Harirchi, S., Ramezani, M., Bulkan, G., Akbas, M.Y., Pandey, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2022Potential utilization of dairy industries by-products and wastes through microbial processes: A critical reviewSci. Total Environ, 810: 152253: 1-18
Agnihotri, S., Yin, D., Mahboubi, A., Sapmaz, T., Varjani, S., Qiao, W., Koseoglu-Imer, D.Y., Taherzadeh, M.J.2022A Glimpse of the World of Volatile Fatty Acids Production and Application: A reviewBioengineered, 13(1): 1249-1275
Chandolias K., Sugianto L.A.R., Izazi N., Millati R., Wikandari R., Ylitervo P., Niklasson C., Taherzadeh M.J.2022Protective effect of a reverse membrane bioreactor against toluene and naphthalene in anaerobic digestionBiotechnol. Appl. Biochem., 69: 1267-1274
Hashemi, S., Karimi, K. Taherzadeh, M.J.2022Valorization of vinasse and whey to protein and biogas through an environmental fungi-based biorefinery Journal of Environmental ManagementJ. Environ. Management, 303: 114138: 1-9
Garlapati, V.J., Parashar, S.K., Klykov, S., Vundavilli, P.R., Sevda, S., Shrivastava, S.K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2022Invasive Weed Optimization coupled Biomass and Product Dynamics of Tuning Soybean Husk towards Lipolytic EnzymeBioresour. Technol., 344(B): 126254: 1-8
Devanthi P.V.P., Kho K., Nurdiansyah R., Briot A., Taherzadeh M.J., Aslanzadeh S.2022Do Kombucha Symbiotic Cultures of Bacteria and Yeast Affect Bacterial Cellulose Yield in Molasses?J. Fungi, 7(9): 705: 1-13
Vu, D.H., Mahboubi, A., Root, A., Heinmaa, I., Taherzadeh, M.J., Åkesson, D.2021Thorough Investigation of the Effects of Cultivation Factors on Polyhydroalkanoates (PHAs) Production by Cupriavidus Necator from Food Waste-Derived Volatile Fatty AcidsFermentation, 8: 605: 1-23
Bilal, M., Qamar, S.A., Qamar, M., Yadav, V., Taherzadeh, M.J., Lam, S.S., Iqbal, H.M.N.2021Bioprospecting lignin biomass into environmentally friendly polymers—Applied perspective to reconcile sustainable circular bioeconomyBiomass Convers. Biorefin., 14: 4457- 4483
Sharma, S., Singh, A., Sharma, S., Taherzadeh, M.J., Garlapati, V.J.2021Probiotics as a formulation ingredients in beverages: Technological Advancements and ConstraintsBioengineered, 12(2): 11055-11075
Lu, H., Gao, L., Liu, Z., Shi, Y., Xie, F., Bilal, M., Yang, R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Prediction of phenolic compounds and glucose content from dilute inorganic acid pretreatment of lignocellulosic biomass using artificial neural network modellingBioresour. Bioprocess, 8:134: 1-13
Aremu, M.O., Ishola, M.M., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) production from Volatile Fatty Acids (VFAs) from Organic Wastes by Pseudomonas oleovoransFermentation, 7: 287: 1-16
Sharma, S., Singh, A., Sharma, S., Kant, A., Sevda, S., Taherzadeh, M.J., Garlapati, V.J.2021Functional Foods as a formulation ingredients in beverages: Technological Advancements and ConstraintsBioengineered, 12(2): 11055-11075
Kumar Awasthi M., Paul A., Kumar V., Sar T., Kumar D., Sarsaiya S., Liu H., Zhang Z., Binod P., Sindhu R., Kumar V., Taherzadeh M.J.2021Recent trends and developments on integrated biochemical conversion process for valorization of dairy waste to value added bioproducts: A reviewBioresour. Technol., 344: 126193: 1-13
Rousta, N., Hellwig, C., Wainaina, S., Lukitawesa, Agnihotri, S., Rousta, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Filamentous Fungus Aspergillus Oryzae for Food: From Sub-merged Cultivation to Fungal Burgers and their Sensory Evaluation – a Pilot StudyFoods, 10(11): 2774: 1-16
Uwineza, C., Sar, T., Mahboubi, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Evaluation of the Cultivation of Aspergillus oryzae on Organic Waste-Derived VFA Effluents and Its Potential Application as Alternative Sustainable Nutrient Source for Animal FeedeSustainabiliy, 13: 12489: 1-13
Patil, S., Joshi, S., Jamla, S., Zhou, X., Taherzadeh, M.J., Suprasanna P., Kumar, V.2021MicroRNA-mediated Bioengineering for Climate- Resilience in CropsBioengineered, 12(2): 10430-10456
Mondylaksita, K., Ferreira, J.A., Budhijanto, W., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J., Millati, R.2021Enhanced volatile fatty acid production from oil palm empty fruit bunch through acidogenic fermentation- A novel resource recovery strategy for oil palm empty fruit bunchFermentation, 7(4): 263: 1-14
Wikandari, R., Kinanti, D.A., Permatasari, R.D., Rahmaningtyas, N.L., Chairunisa, N.R., Sardjono, Hellwig, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Correlation Between Chemical and Microbiological Characteristics with The Sensory Profile of Fungal Fermented FoodFermentation, 7: 261: 1-14
Wikandari, R., Manikharda, Baldermann, S., Ningrum, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Application of cell culture technology and genetic engineering for production of future foods and crop improvement to strengthen food securityBioengineered, 12(2): 11305-11330
Bilal, M., Qamar, S.A., Yadav, V., Cheng, H., Khan, M., Adil, S.F., Taherzadeh, M.J., Iqbal, H.M.N2021Exploring the potential of ligninolytic armory for lignin valorization – A way forward for sustainable and cleaner productionJ. Cleaner Prod., 326: 129420: 1-14
Lu, H., Yadav, V., Zhong, M., Bilal, M., Taherzadeh, M.J., Iqbal, H.M.N.2021Bioengineered microbial platforms for biomass-derived biofuel production – A reviewChemosphere, 288(2): 132528: 1-12
Setyaningrum, S., Patinvoh, R.J., Purwadi, R., Taherzadeh, M.J2021Evaluation of Biological Degraded Keratin for Biogas Production Using Dry Anaerobic Digestion SystemInt. J. Appl. Technol. Res., 2(2): 81-89
Kundariya, N. Mohanty, S.S., Varjani, S., Ngo H.H., Wong, J.W.C, Taherzadeh, M.J. Chang, J.S., Ng, H.Y., Kim, S.H., Bui, X.T.2021A review on integrated approaches for municipal solid waste for environmental and economical relevance: Monitoring tools, technologies, and strategic innovationsBioresour. Technol., 342: 125982: 1-11
Gaur, V.K., Sharma, P., Sirohi, R., Varjani, S., Taherzadeh, M.J., Chang J.S., Ng H.Y., Wong J.W.C., Kim, S.H.2021Production of biosurfactants from waste streams in a circular bioeconomy: A comprehensive reviewBioresour. Technol., 343: 126059: 1-13
Singh, A., Karimi, S., Vidakovic, A., Dicksved, J., Langeland, M., Ferreira, J., Taherzadeh, M.J., Kiessling, A., Lundh, T.2021Dietary filamentous fungi and duration of feeding modulates gut microbial composition in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)Front. Mar. Sci., 8: 728569:1-11
Awasthi M.K., Wainaina S., Mahboubi, A., Zhang Z., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Methanogen and nitrifying genes dynamics in immersed membrane bioreactors during anaerobic co-digestion of different organic loading rates food wasteBioresour. Technol. Rep., 342: 125920: 1-7
Brancoli, P., Gmoser, R., Taherzadeh, M.J., Bolton, K.2021The use of life cycle assessment in the support of the devel-opment of fungal food products from surplus breadFermentation, 7: 173: 1-13
Karimi, S., Mahboobi Soofiani, N., Mahboubi, A., Ferreira. J.A., Lundh, T., Kiessling, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Evaluation of nutritional composition of pure filamentous fungal biomass as a novel ingredient for fish feedFermentation, 7(3): 152: 1-14
Oladzad S., Fallah N., Mahboubi A., Afsham N. Taherzadeh M.J .2021Date Fruit Processing Waste and Approaches to Its Valorization: A Review,Bioresour. Technol., 340: 125625: 1-10
Zhou Y., Awasthi S.K., Liu T., Verma S., Zhang Z., Pandey A., Varjani S., Li R., Taherzadeh M.J., Awasthi M.K.2021Patterns of heavy metal resistant bacterial community succession influenced by biochar amendment during poultry manure compostingJ. Hazard. Mater., 420: 126562: 1-9
Bulkan, G., Ferreira, J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Retrofitting Analysis of a Biorefinery: Integration of 1st and 2nd generation ethanol through organosolv pretreatment of oat husks and fungal cultivation,Bioresour. Technol. Rep., 15: 100762: 1-10
Devda V., Chaudhary K., Varjani S., Pathak B., Patel A.K., Singhania R.R.,. Taherzadeh M.J., Ngo H.H., Wong J.W.C., Guo W., Chaturvedi P.2021Recovery of resources from industrial wastewater employing electrochemical technologies: Status, advancements and perspectivesBioengineered, 12(1): 4697-4718
Qin S., Wainaina S., Liu H., Soufiani A.M., Pandey A., Zhang Z., Awasthi M.K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Microbial dynamics during anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge combined with food waste at high organic loading rates in immersed membrane bioreactorsFuel, 303: 121276: 1-10
Parchami, M., Ferreira, J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Starch and protein recovery from brewer's spent grain using hydrothermal pretreatment and their conversion to edible filamentous fungi – A brewery biorefinery conceptBioresource Technol., 337: 125409: 1-10
Uwineza, C., Mahboubi, A., Atmowidjojo A.C., Ramadhani A.N., Wainaina, S., Millati, R., Wikandari R., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Cultivation of edible filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae on volatile fatty acids derived from anaerobic digestion of food waste and cow manureBioresource Technol., 337: 125410: 1-12
Wang, R., Mohammadi, M., Mahboubi, A. Taherzadeh, M.J.2021In-vitro digestion models: A Critical Review for human and fish and a Protocol for In-vitro Digestion in FishBioengineered, 12(1): 3040-3064
Svensson, S.E., Bucuricova, L., Ferreira, J.A., Souza Filho, P.F., Taherzadeh, M.J., Zamani, A.2021Bread waste utilization for production of fiber and protein-rich fungal biomass by submerged cultivation of Rhizopus delemar; Fermentation, 7: 91: 1-14
Hashemi, S., Karimi, K. Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Integrated process for protein, pigments, and biogas production from baker's yeast wastewater using filamentous fungiBioresource Technol., 337: 125356
Qin S., Wainaina, S., Awasthi, S.K., Mahboubi, A., Liu, T., Liu, H., Zhou, W., Liu, H., Zhang. Z., Taherzadeh, M.J., Awasthi, M.K.2021Fungal dynamics during anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge combined with food waste at high organic loading rates in immersed membrane bioreactorsBioresource Technol., 335: 125296: 1-8
Vu, D.H., Wainaina, S., Taherzadeh, M.J., Åkesson, D., Ferreira, J.A.2021Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) by Bacillus megaterium using food waste acidogenic fermentation-derived volatile fatty acidsBioengineered, 12(1): 2480-2498
Liu H., Qin, S., Sirohi, R., Ahluwalia, V., Zhou, Y., Sindhu, R., Binod, P., Rani Singhnia, R., Kumar Patel, A., Juneja, A., Kumar, D., Zhang, Z., Kumar, J., Taherzadeh, M.J., Awasthi, M.K.2021Sustainable blueberry waste recycling towards biorefinery strategy and circular bioeconomy: A reviewBioresource Technol., 332: 125181: 1-9
Awasthi, M.K., Sarsaiya, S., Wainaina, S., Rajendran, K., Awasthi, S.K., Liu, T., Duan, Y., Jain, A., Sindhu, R., Binod, P., Pandey, A., Zhang, Z., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Techno-economics and life-cycle assessment of biological and thermochemical treatment of bio-wasteRenew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 144: 110837: 1-23
Naddeo, V., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Biomass valorization and bioenergy in the blue circular economyBiomass and Bioenergy, 2021, 149, 106069
Yin, D.M., Mahboubi, A., Wainaina, S., Qiao, W., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021The effect of mono- and multiple fermentation parameters on volatile fatty acids,(VFAs) production from chicken manure via anaerobic digestionBioresource Technol., 330: 124992: 1-11
Awasthi, M.K., Ferreira, J.A., Sirohi, R., Sarsaiya, S., Khoshnevisan, B., Baladi, S., Sindhu, R., Binod, P., Pandey, A., Juneja, A., Kumar, D., Zhang, Z., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021A critical review on the development stage of biorefinery systems towards the management of apple processing-derived wasteRenew. Sustain. Energy Rev., 143: 110972: 1-18
Gmoser, R., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021From surplus bread to burger using filamentous fungi at bakeries: Techno-economical evaluationCleaner Env. Sys., 2: 100020: 1-10
Kumar, M., Chen, H., Sarsaiya, S., Qin, S., Liu, H., Awasthi, M.K., Kumar, S., Singh, L., Zhang, Z., Bolan, N.S., Pandey, A., Varjani, S., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Current research trends on micro- and nano-plastics as an emerging threat to global environment: A reviewJournal of Hazardous Materials, 409: 124967
Wang, R., Gmoser, R., Taherzadeh, M.J., Lennartsson, P.R.2021Solid-state fermentation of stale bread by an edible fungus in a semi-continuous plug-flow bioreactorBiochem. Eng. J., 169: 107959: 1-8
Awasthi, S.K., Duan, Y., Liu, T., Zhou, Y., Qin S., Liu, H., Varjani, S., Awasthi, M.K., Zhang, Z., Pandey, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Sequential presence of heavy metal resistant fungal communities influenced by biochar amendment in the poultry manure composting processJ. Cleaner Prod., 291: 125947: 1-11
Patel, A., Mahboubi, A., Sárvári Horváth, I., Taherzadeh, M.J., Rova, U., Christakopoulos, P., Matsakas, L.2021Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) generated by anaerobic digestion serve as feedstock for freshwater and marine oleaginous microorganisms to produce biodiesel and added-value compoundsFront. Microbiol., 12: 614612: 1-17
Rousta, N., Ferreira, J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Production of L-carnitine-enriched edible filamentous fungal biomass through submerged cultivation,Bioengineered, 12(1): 358-368
Deng, Y., Ruan, Y., Taherzadeh, M.J., Chen, J., Qi, W., Kong, D., Ma, B., Xu, X., Lu, H.,2021Carbon availability shifts the nitrogen removal pathway and microbial community in biofilm airlift reactorBioresource Technol., 323: 124568: 1-11
Shindhal, T., Rakholiya, P., Varjani, S., Pandey, A., Ngo, H.H., Guo, W., Ng, H.Y., Taherzadeh. M.J.2021A critical review on advances in the practices and perspectives for the treatment of dye industry wastewaterBioengineered, 12(1): 70-87
Qin, S., Shekher Giri, B., Patel, A.K., Sar, T., Liu, H., Chen, H., Juneja, A., Kumar, D., Zhang, Z., Awasthi, M.K., Taherzadeh, M.J.,2021Resource recovery and biorefinery potential of apple orchard waste in the circular bioeconomyBioresource Technol., 321: 124496: 1-10
Jomnonkhaow, U., Uwineza, C., Mahboubi, A., Wainaina, S., Reungsang, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Membrane bioreactor-assisted volatile fatty acids production and in situ recovery from cow manureBioresource Technol., 321: 124456: 1-10
Awasthi, S.K., Duan, Y., Liu, T., Zhang, Z., Pandey, A., Varjani, S., Awasthi, M.K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Can biochar regulate the fate of heavy metals (Cu and Zn) resistant bacteria community during the poultry manure composting?J. Hazard. Mater., 406: 124593: 1-9
Lukitawesa, Eryildiz, B., Mahboubi, A., Millati, R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2021Semi-continuous Production of Volatile Fatty Acids from Citrus Waste using Membrane BioreactorsInnov. Food Sci. Emerg. Technol., 67: 102545: 1-10
Varjani, S., Rakholiya, P., Ng, H.Y., Taherzadeh, M.J., Ngo, H.H., Chang, J.S., Wong, J.W.C, You, S., Teixiera, J.A., Bui, X.T.2021Bio-based rhamnolipids production and recovery from waste streams: Status and PerspectivesBioresource Technol., 319: 124213: 1-7
Parchami, M., Ferreira, J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Brewing Process Development by Integration of Edible Filamentous Fungi to Upgrade the Quality of Brewer’s Spent Grain (BSG)BioRes., 16(1): 1686-1701
Bulkan, G., Ferreira, J.A., Rajendran, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Techno-economic Analysis of Bioethanol Plant By-product Valorization: Exploring Market Opportunities with Protein-Rich Fungal Biomass Production,Fermentation, 6(4): 99: 1-17
Sar, T., Ozturk, M., Taherzadeh, M.J., Ferreira, J.A.2020New insights on protein recovery from olive oil mill wastewater through bioconversion with edible filamentous fungiProcesses, 8: 1210: 1-14
Hellwig, C., Gmoser, R., Lundin, M., Taherzadeh, M.J., Rousta, K.2020Fungi burger from stale bread? A case study on perceptions of a novel protein-rich food product made from an edible fungusFoods, 9(8): 1112: 1-18
Sar, T., Ferreira, J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Conversion of fish processing wastewater into fish feed ingredients through submerged cultivation of Aspergillus oryzaeSystems Microbiology and Biomanufacturing, 1(9): 1-11
Mishra, B., Varjani, S., Agrawal, D.S., Mandal, S.K., Ngo, H.H., Taherzadeh, M.J., Chang, J.S., You, S., Guo, W.2020Engineering biocatalytic material for the remediation of pollutants: A comprehensive reviewEnvironmental Technology & Innovation, 20: 101063: 1-17
Ferreira, J.A., Varjani, S., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020A critical review on the ubiquitous role of filamentous fungi in pollution mitigationCurrent Pollution Reports, 6: 295-302
Yin, D.M., Taherzadeh, M.J., Lin, M., Jiang, M.M., Qiao, W., Dong, R.J.2020Upgrading the anaerobic membrane bioreactor treatment of chicken manure by introducing in-situ ammonia stripping and hyper-thermophilic pretreatmentBioresource Technol., 310: 123470: 1-10
Harirchi, Sh., Etemadifar. Z., Yazdian, F., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Efficacy of Polyextremophilic Aeribacillus pallidus on Bioprocessing of Beet Vinasse Derived from Ethanol IndustriesBioresource Technol., 313: 123662: 1-7
Sar, T., Ferreira, J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Bioprocessing strategies to increase the protein fraction of Rhizopus oryzae biomass using fish industry sidestreamsWaste Management, 113: 261-269
Duan Y, Pandey A, Zhang Z, Awasthi M K, Bhatia S K, Taherzadeh M J2020Organic solid waste biorefinery: Sustainable strategy for emerging circular bioeconomy in ChinaIndustrial Crops and Products, 153: 112568: 1-13
Mondylaksita, K., Ferreira, J.A., Millati, R., Budhijanto, W., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Recovery of High Purity Lignin and Digestible Cellulose From Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch Using Low Acid-Catalyzed Organosolv PretreatmentAgronomy, 10(5): 674: 1-15
Awasthi M, Sarsaiya S, Patel A, Juneja A, Singh R, Yan B, Awasthi S, Jain A, Liu T, Duan Y, Pandey A, Zhang Z, Taherzadeh MJ2020Refining biomass residues for sustainable energy and bio-products: An assessment of technology, its importance, and strategic applications in circular bio-economyRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 127: 109876: 1-18
Harirchi, Sh., Etemadifar. Z., Mahboubi, A., Yazdian, F., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020The Effect of Calcium/Magnesium Ratio on the Growth of a Novel Thermoalkaliphilic Aeribacillus pallidus Strain with Highly Heat Resistant SporesCurrent Microbiol., 77: 2565-2574
Wainaina, S., Kisworini A.D, Fanani, M., Wikandari, R., Millati, R., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Utilization of food waste-derived volatile fatty acids for production of edible Rhizopus oligosporus fungal biomassBioresource Technol., 310: 123444: 1-8
Parchami, M., Wainaina, S., Mahboubi A., I’Ons, D., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020MBR-assisted VFAs production from excess sludge and food waste for sustainable wastewater treatmentAppl. Sci., 10(8), 2921: 1-20
Chopta, R., Ferreira, J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Biorefining Oat Husks into High-Quality Lignin and Enzymatically Digestible Cellulose with Acid-Catalyzed Ethanol Organosolv PretreatmentProcesses, 8: 435: 1-13
Jansson, A.T., Patinvoh, R.J., Taherzadeh, M.J., Sárvári Horváth, I.2020Effect of Organic Compounds on Dry Anaerobic Digestion of Food and Paper Industry WastesBioengineered, 11(1): 502-509
Lotfi Aski, A., Borghei, A., Zenouzi, A., Ashrafi, N., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Steam explosion pretreatment of sludge for pharmaceutical removal and heavy metal release to improve biodegradability and biogas productionFermentation, 6: 34: 1-15
Wikandari, R., Mayningsih, I.C., Sari, M.D.P, Purwandari, F.A., Setyaningsih, W., Rahayu, E.S., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Assessment of microbiological quality and mycotoxin in dried chili by morphological identification, molecular detection, and chromatography analysisInt. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17, 1847: 1-12
Qi, W., Taherzadeh, M.J.; Ruan, Y.; Deng, Y., Chen, J.S., Lu, H.F., XU, X.Y.2020Denitrification performance and microbial communities of solid-phase denitrifying reactors using poly(butylene succinate)/bamboo powder compositeBioresource Technol., 305: 123033: 1-10
Millati, R., Wikandari, R., Ariyanto, T., Putria, R.U., Taherzadeh M.J.2020Pretreatment Technologies for Anaerobic Digestion of Lignocelluloses and Toxic FeedstocksBioresource Technol., 304: 122998: 1-14
Wainaina, S., Awasthi, M.K., Sarvari Horvath, I., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Anaerobic digestion of food waste to volatile fatty acids and hydrogen at high organic loading rates in immersed membrane bioreactorsRenew. Energy, 152: 1140-1148
Wang, Y., Liu, L., Awasthi M.K., Yang J., Duan, Y., Luo Y., Taherzadeh, M.J., Li, Y., , Li Y., Zhao, Z.2020The diversity of microbial community and function varied in response to different agricultural residues compostingSci. Total Environ., 715: 136983: 1-11
Duan, Y., Awasthi, S.K., Liu, T., Chen, H., Pandey, A., Zhang, Z., Awasthi, M.K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Emerging applications of biochar: A way forward to improve the pig manure composting and attenuate toxic metals mobility in mature compostsJ. Hazard. Mater., 389: 122116: 1-9
Wainaina, S., Awasthi, M.K., Sarsaiya, S., Chen, H., Singh, E., Kumar., A., Ravindran, B., Awasthi, S.K., Liu, T., Duan, Y., Kumar, S., Zhang, Z., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Resource recovery and circular economy from organic solid waste using aerobic and anaerobic digestion technologiesBioresource Technol., 301: 122778: 1-14
Eryildiz, B., Lukitawesa, Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Effect of pH, Substrate Loading, oxygen, and Methanogens Inhibitors on Volatile Fatty Acid (VFA) Production from Citrus Waste by Anaerobic DigestionBioresource Technol., 302: 122800, 1-10
Ruan, Y.; Taherzadeh, M.J.; Kong, D.; Lu, H.; Zhao, H.; Xu, X.; Liu, Y.; Cai, L.2020Nitrogen Removal Performance and Metabolic Pathways Analysis of a Novel Aerobic Denitrifying Halotolerant Pseudomonas balearica strain RAD-17Microorganisms 8(72): 1-17
Ferreira, J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Improving the economy of lignocellulose-based biorefineries with organosolv pretreatmentBioresource Technol, 299: 122695: 1-13
Hosseini, S.B, Asadollahzadeh, M., Kazemi Najafi, S., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Partial replacement of urea-formaldehyde adhesive with fungal biomass and soy flour in plywood fabricationJ. Ahdes. Sci. Technol., 34 (13): 1371-1384
Lukitawesa, Pativoh, R. J., Millati, R., Sarvari Horvath, I., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Factors influencing volatile fatty acids production from food wastes via anaerobic digestionBioengineered, 11(1): 39-52
Vu, D.H., Åkesson, D., Taherzadeh, M.J., Ferreira, J.A.2020Recycling strategies for polyhydroxyalkanoate-based waste materials: An overviewBioresource Technol., 298: 122393: 1-9
Mahboubi, A., Uwineza, C., Doyen, W., De Wever, H., Taherzadeh, M.J.2020Intensification of lignocellulosic bioethanol production process using continuous double-staged immersed membrane bioreactorsBioresource Technol., 296: 122314:1-11
Aktij, SA, Zirehpour, A., Aghapour, S., Mollahosseini, A., Tiraferri, A., Taherzadeh, M.J., Rahimpour, A.2020Feasibility of Membrane Processes for the Recovery and Purification of Bio-Based Volatile Fatty Acids: A Comprehensive ReviewJ Ind Eng Chem, 81: 24-40
Patinvoh, R.J., Lundin, M., Taherzadeh, M.J., Sárvári Horváth, I.2020Dry anaerobic co-digestion of citrus wastes with keratin and lignocellulosic wastes: Batch and Continuous ProcessesWaste Biomass Valor., 11: 423-434
Gmoser, R., Fristedt, R., Larsson, K., Undeland, I., Taherzadeh, M.J., Lennartsson, P.R.2019From stale bread and brewers spent grain to a new food source using edible filamentous fungiBioengineered, 11(1): 582-598
Taherzadeh, M.J.2019Bioengineering to tackle environmental challenges, climate changes and resource recoveryBioengineered, 10(1): 698-699
Karimi, S., Mahboobi Soofiani, N., Lundh, T., Mahboubi, A., Kiessling, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2019Evaluation of filamentous fungal biomass cultivated on vinasse as an alternative nutrient source of fish feed: protein, lipid and mineral compositionFermentation, 5(4):99: 1-19
Wainaina, S., Lukitawesa, Awasthi, M.K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2019Bioengineering of anaerobic digestion for volatile fatty acids, hydrogen or methane production: A critical reviewBioengineered, 10(1): 437-458
Patinvoh, R.J., Taherzadeh, M.J.2019Challenges of biogas implementation in developing countriesCurrent Opinion Environ. Sci. Health, 12: 30-37
Jabbari, M., Lundin, M, Bahadorikhalili, S, Skrifvars. M, Taherzadeh, M.J.2019Finding Solvent for Polyamide 11 Using a Computer SoftwareZeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie, 234(3): 517-529
Souza Filho, P.F., Andersson, D., Ferreira, J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2019Mycoprotein - its impact on environmental and health aspectsWorld J Microbiol Biotechnol, 35:147: 1-8
Gmoser, R., Sintca, C., Taherzadeh, M.J., Lennartsson, P.R.2019Combining submerged and solid-state fermentation to convert waste bread into protein and pigments using the edible filamentous fungi N. intermediaWaste Management, 97: 63-70
Yudianto, D., Millati, R., Hidayat, Ch., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J., Niklasson, C.2019Bioconversion of pretreated wheat straw to ethanol by Monascus purpureus CBS 109.07 and Fusarium venenatum ATCC 20334 using simultaneous saccharification and fermentationBiodiversitas, 20(8): 2229-2235
Jansson, A.T., Patinvoh, R.J., Sárvári Horváth, I., Taherzadeh, M.J.2019Dry anaerobic digestion of food and paper industry wastes at different solid contentsFermentation, 5: 40: 1-10
Awasthi, M.K., Sarsaiya, S., Wainaina, S., Rajendran, K., Kumar, S., Quan, W., Duan, Y., Awasthi, S.K., Chen, H., Pandey, A., Zhang, Z., Jain, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2019A critical review of organic manure bio-refinery models toward sustainable circular bioeconomy: Technological challenges, Advancements, Innovations, and future perspectivesRenew. Sust. Energ. Rev. 111: 115-131
Gmoser, R., Ferreira, J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J., Lennartsson, P.R.2019Post-treatment of fungal biomass to enhance pigment productionAppl Biochem Biotechnol, 189(1): 160-174
Chandolias, K., Pekgenc, E., Taherzadeh, M.J.2019Floating Membrane Bioreactors with High Gas-Hold up for Syngas to BiomethaneEnergies, 12, 1046: 1-14
Batori, V., Lundin, M., Åkesson, D., Lennartsson, M.J., Taherzadeh, M.J., Zamani, A.2019Development of bio-based films and 3D objects from apple pomacePolymers, 11:392: 1-14
Shahryari, Z., Fazaelipoor, M.H., Ghasemi, Y., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2019Amylase and Xylanase from Edible Fungus Neurospora intermedia: Production and CharacterizationMolecules, 24:721: 1-14
Gustafsson, J., Landberg, M., Batori, V., Åkesson, D., Taherzadeh, M.J., Zamani, A.2019Development of bio-based films and 3D objects from apple pomacePolymers, 11:289: 1-11
Wikandari, R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2019Rapid Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Solid Residuals for biogas production using Flocculating Bacteria and Membrane Bioreactors- A critical reviewBiofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. (Biofpr), 13(4): 1119-1132
Momayez, F., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2019Energy recovery from industrial crop wastes by dry anaerobic digestion: A reviewInd. Crops Prod., 129: 673-687
Duan, Y., Awasthi, S.K., Liu, T., Chen, H., Zhang, Z., Awasthi, M.K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2019Dynamics of fungal diversity and interactions with environmental elements in response to wheat straw biochar amended poultry manure compostingBiores. Technol. 274: 410-417
Wainaina, S., Parchami, M., Mahboubi A., Sárvári Horváth, I., Taherzadeh, M.J.,2019Food waste-derived volatile fatty acids platform using an immersed membrane bioreactorBiores. Technol., 274: 329-334
Lotfi Aski, A., Borghei, A., Zenouzi, A., Ashrafi, N., Taherzadeh, M.J.2019Effect of steam explosion on the structural modification of rice straw for enhanced biodegradation and biogas production,BioRes., 14(1): 464-485
Astiani, D., Taherzadeh, M.J., Gusmayanti, E., Widiastuti, T., Burhanuddin2019Local knowledge on landscape sustainable-hydrological management reduces soil CO2 emission, fire risk and biomass loss in west Kalimantan Peatland, IndonesiaBiodiversitas, 20(3): 725-731
Duan, Y., Awasthi, S.K., Chen, H., Liu, T., Zhang, Z., Zhang, L., Awasthi, M.K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2019Evaluating the impact of bamboo biochar on the fungal community succession during chicken manure compostingBiores. Technol. 272: 308-314
Lukitawesa, Wikandari, R., Millati, R., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Effect of Effluent Recirculation on Biogas Production Using Two-stage Anaerobic Digestion of Citrus WasteMolecules, 23(12), 3380: 1-11
Lukitawesa, Wikandari, R., Millati, R., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Effect of Effluent Recirculation on Biogas Production Using Two-stage Anaerobic Digestion of Citrus WasteMolecules, 23(12), 3380: 1-11
Golmohammadi, M., Borghei, A., Zenouzi, A., Ashrafi, N., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Optimization of essential oil extraction from orange peels using steam explosionHeliyon, 4: e00893: 1-18
Mahboubi, A., Cayli, B., Bulkan, G., Wim, D., De Wever, Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Removal of bacterial contamination from bioethanol fermentation system using membrane bioreactorFermentation, 4(4): 88, 1-18
Batori, V., Åkesson, D., Zamani, A., Taherzadeh, M.J., Sárvári Horváth, I.2018Anaerobic degradation of bioplastics: A reviewWaste Management, 80: 406-413
Jabbari, M., Lundin, M., Hatamvand, M., Skrifvars, M., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Computer-aided theoretical solvent selection using the Simplex method based on Hansen solubility parameters (HSPs)J. Inf. Technol. Softw. Eng., 8(4): 1000242
Jabbari, M., Skrifvars, M., Åkesson, D., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018New solvent for polyamide 66 and its use for preparing single-polymer composite coated-fabricInt J Polym Sci, 6235165: 1-9
Karimi, S., Mahboobi Soofiani, N., Mahboubi, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Use of organic wastes and industrial by-products to produce filamentous fungi with potential as aqua-feed ingredientsSustainability, 10: 3296: 1-19
Ferreira, J., Brancoli, P., Agnihotri, S., Bolton, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018A review of integration strategies of lignocelluloses and other wastes in 1st generation bioethanol processesProcess Biochem., 75: 173-186
Shahryari, Z., Fazaelipoor, M.H., Setoodeh, P., Ghasemi, Y., Nair, R.B., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Wheat straw valorization by solid state-biological pretreatment using filamentous fungi-derived phytase enzymeInt. J. Recycl. Org. Waste Agric., 7(4): 345-355
Gurram, R., Souza Filho, P.F., Taherzadeh, M.J., Zamani, A.2018A solvent-free approach for production of films from pectin and fungal biomassJ. Polym. Environ., 26(11): 4282-4292
Kurniawan, T., Lukitawesa, Hanifah, I., Wikandari, R., Millati, R., Taherzadeh, M.J., Niklasson, C.,2018Semi-continuous reverse membrane bioreactor in two-stage anaerobic digestion of citrus wasteMaterials, 11(8): 1341
Mahboubi, A., Lundin, M., Wim, D., De Wever, H., Molenberghs, B., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Diffusion-based reverse membrane bioreactor for simultaneous bioconversion of high-inhibitor xylose-glucose mediaProcess Biochem., 72: 23-30
Thunuguntla, R., Mahboubi, A., Ferreira, J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Integration of membrane bioreactors with edible filamentous fungi for valorization of expired milkSustainability, 10(6): 1940,
Asadollahzadeh, M., Ghasemian, A., Saraeian A., Resalati H., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Production of Fungal Biomass Protein by Filamentous Fungi Cultivation on Liquid Waste Streams from Pulping ProcessBioRes., 13(3): 5013-5031
Batori, V., Jabbari, M., Srivastana, R.K., Åkesson, D., Lennartsson, P.R., Zamani, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Synthesis and characterization of maleic anhydride-grafted orange waste for potential use in biocompositesBioRes., 13(3): 4986-4997
Nair, R.B., Osadolor, O.A., Ravula, V.K., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Lignocellulose integration to 1G-ethanol process using filamentous fungi: Fermentation prospects of edible strain of Neurospora intermediaBMC Biotechnol., 18(1):49: 1-10
Chandolias, K., Wainaina, S., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Effects of heavy metals and pH on the conversion of biomass to hydrogen via syngas fermentationBioRes., 13(2): 4455-4469
Osadolor, O.A., Jabbari, M., Nair, R.B., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Effect of media rheology and bioreactor hydrodynamics on filamentous fungi fermentation of lignocellulosic and starch-based substrates under pseudoplastic flow conditionsBioresource Technol., 263: 250-257
Mahmoodi, P., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Efficient conversion of municipal solid waste to biofuel by simultaneous dilute acid hydrolysis of starch and pretreatment of lignocellulosesEnergy Convers. Manag., 166: 569-578
Mahmoodi, P., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Hydrothermal processing as pretreatment for efficient production of ethanol and biogas from municipal solid wasteBioresource Technol., 261: 166-175
Souza Filho, P.F., Nair, R.B., Andersson, D., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Vegan-mycoprotein concentrate from pea-processing industry byproduct using edible filamentous fungiFungal Biol. Biotechnol., 5: 5.
Souza Filho, P.F., Zamani, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Edible protein production by filamentous fungi using starch plant wastewaterWaste biomass valor, 10(9): 2487-2496
Nair, R.B., Gmoser, R., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Does the second messenger- cAMP a more complex role in controlling filamentous fungal morphology and metabolite production?Microbiology Open, 7:e627: 1-4
Gmoser, R., Ferreira, J.A., Lundin, M., Taherzadeh, M.J., Lennartsson, P.R.2018Pigment production by the edible filamentous fungi Neurospora intermediaFermentation, 4: 11: 1-15
Aghajani, S., Rahimpour, A., Amani, H., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Rhamnolipids as bio-agent for cleaning of ultrafiltration membrane fouled by wheyEng. Life Sci., 18(5): 272-280
Seyedpour, S.F., Rahimpour, A., Mohsenian, H., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Low fouling ultrathin nanocomposite membranes for efficient removal of manganeseJ. Memb. Sci., 549: 205-216
Brancoli, P., Ferreira, J., Bolton, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2018Changes in carbon footprint when integrating production of filamentous fungi in 1st generation ethanol plantsBioresource Technol., 249: 1069-1073
Wainaina, S., Sárvári Horváth, I., Taherzadeh, M.J.,2018Biochemicals from food waste and recalcitrant biomass via syngas fermentation: A reviewBioresource Technol., 248 (Part A): 113-121
Pages-Díaza, J., Pereda Reyes I., Sanz, J.L., Lundin, M., Taherzadeh, M.J., Horváth, I.S.2018A comparison of process performance during the anaerobic mono- and co-digestion of slaughterhouse waste through different operational modesJ. Environ. Sci., 64: 149-156
Nair, R.B., Kabir, M.M., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J., Sárvári Horváth, I.2018Integrated process for ethanol, biogas and edible filamentous fungi based animal feed production from dilute phosphoric acid pretreated wheat straw184(1):48-62Appl. Biochem. Biotechnol.,
Asadollahzadeh, M., Ghasemian, A., Saraeian A., Resalati H., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2017Using spent sulfite liquor for valuable fungal biomass production by Aspergilus oryzaeNordic Pulp Paper Res. J., 32(4): 630-638
Patinvoh, R.J., Arulappan, J.V., Johansson, F., Taherzadeh, M.J.2017Biogas digesters: from plastics and bricks to textile bioreactors – A reviewJ. Energy Environment. Sust. (JEES), 4: 31-35
Ariyanto, T., Cahyono, R.B., Vente, A., Mattheij, S., Millati, R., Sarto, Taherzadeh, M.J., Syamsiah, S.2017Utilization of fruit waste as biogas plant feed and its superiority compared to landfillInt. J. Technol., 8: 1385-1392
Jabbari, M., Osadolor, O.A., Nair, R.B., Taherzadeh, M.J.2017All-polyamide composite coated-fabric as a replacement for material of construction of conventional textile bioreactorsEnergies, 10: 1928: 1-14
Souza Filho, P.F., Brancoli, P., Bolton, K., Zamani, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2017Techno-economic and life cycle assessment of wastewater management from potato starch production: present status and alternative biotreatmentsFermentation, 3: 56: 1-15
Batori, V., Jabbari, M., Åkesson, D., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J., Zamani, A.2017Production of pectin-cellulose biofilms: A new approach for citrus waste recyclingInt. J. Polym. Sci., 9732329: 1-9
Mahboubi, A., Ferreira, J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J., Lennartsson, P.R.2017Production of fungal biomass for feed, fatty acids and glycerol by A. oryzae from fat-rich dairy substratesFermentation, 3: 48: 1-10
Nair, R.B., Kalif, M., Ferreira J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J., Lennartsson, P.R.2017Mild-temperature dilute acid pretreatment for integration of first and second generation ethanol processesBioresource Technol., 245 (Part A): 145-151
Patinvoh, R.J., Osadolor, O.A., Sárvári Horváth, I., Taherzadeh, M.J.2017Cost effective dry anaerobic digestion in textile bioreactors: Experimental and economic evaluationBioresource Technol., 245 (Part A): 549-559
Mahboubi, A., Ylitervo, P., Wim, D., De Wever, H., Molenberghs, B., Taherzadeh, M.J.2017Continuous Bioethanol Fermentation from Wheat Straw Hydrolysate with High Suspended Solid Content Using an Immersed Flat Sheet Membrane BioreactorBioresource Technol., 241: 296-308
Osadolor, O.A., Nair, R.B., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2017Empirical and experimental determination of the kinetics of pellet growth in filamentous fungi: A case study using Neurospora intermediaBiochem. Eng. J., 124: 115-121
Lukitawesa, Safarudin, A., Millati, R., Taherzadeh, M.J., Niklasson, C.,2017Inhibition of patchouli oil for anaerobic digestion and enhancement in methane production using reverse membrane bioreactorsRenewable Energy, 128(B): 748-753
Gmoser, R., Ferreira, J.A., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2017Filamentous Ascomycetes Fungi as a source of natural pigments – a ReviewFungal Biology Biotechnol., 4:4: 1-25
Souza Filho, P.F., Zamani, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2017Production of edible fungi from potato protein liquor (PPL) in airlift bioreactorFermentation, 3: 12: 1-12
Mohsenzadeh, A., Zamani, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2017Bioethylene production from 1st and 2nd generation ethanol: A mini review and techno-economical evaluationChemBioEng Reviews, 4(2): 1-18
Satari, B., Palhed, J., Karimi, K., Lundin, M., Taherzadeh, M.J., Zamani, A.2017Process Optimization for Citrus Waste Biorefinery via Simultaneous Pectin Extraction and PretreatmentBioResources, 12(1): 1706-1722
Patinvoh, R.J., Osadolor, O.A., Chandolias, K., Sárvári Horváth, I., Taherzadeh, M.J.2017Innovative Pretreatment Strategies for Biogas ProductionBioresource Technol., 224: 13-24
Mahboubi, A., Ferreira, J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J., Lennartsson, P.R.2017Value-added products from dairy waste using edible fungiWaste Management, 59: 518-525
Patinvoh, R.J., Kalantar, A., Sárvári Horváth, I., Taherzadeh, M.J.2017Dry fermentation of Manure with Straw in Continuous Plug flow Reactor: Reactor Development and Process Stability at Different Loading RatesBioresource Technol., 224: 197-205
Nair, R.B., Lundin, M., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2017Optimizing dilute phosphoric acid pretreatment of wheat straw in the laboratory and in a demonstration plant for ethanol and edible fungal biomass production using Neurospora intermediaJ. Chem. Technol. & Biotechnol., 92(6): 1256-1265
Satari, B., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J., Zamani, A.2016Co-production of Fungal Biomass Derived Constituents and Ethanol from Citrus Wastes Free Sugars without Auxiliary Nutrients in Airlift BioreactorInt. J. Mol. Sci., 17(3): 302
Fazelinejad, S., Ferreira, J.A., Lennartsson, P.R., Brandberg, T., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Fungal biomass and ethanol from lignocelluloses using Rhizopus pellets under simultaneous saccharification, filtration and fermentation (SSFF)Biofuel Res. J., 9: 372-378
Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016A critical review of analytical methods in pretreatment of lignocelluloses: degree of polymerization, adsorption/desorption, and accessibilityBioresource Technol., 203: 348-356
Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016A critical review of analytical methods in pretreatment of lignocelluloses: composition, imaging, and crystallinityBioresource Technol., 200: 1008-1018
Jabbari, M. Åkesson, D., Skrifvars, M., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Introducing all-polyamide composite coated fabrics: A method to produce fully recyclable single-polymer composite coated fabricsJournal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites, 133(7): 9 pages Article ID 42829,
Nair, R.B., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Valorization of sugar-to-ethanol process waste vinasse: A novel biorefinery approach using edible ascomycetes filamentous fungi,Bioresource Technol., 221: 469-476
Dasa, K., Westman, S.Y., Millati, R., Cahyanto, M.N., Taherzadeh, M.J., Niklasson, C.,2016Inhibitory effect of long-chain fatty acids on biogas production and the protective effect of membrane bioreactor (MBR)BioMed Res. Int., vol. 2016, Article ID 7263974, 9 pages, doi:10.1155/2016/7263974
Christia, A., Setiowati, A.D., Millati, R., Karimi, K., Cahyanto, M.N., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Ethanol production from alkali-pretreated oil palm empty fruit bunch by non-isothermal simultaneous saccharification and fermentation with Mucor indicusInt. J. Green Energy, 13(6): 566-572
Oke, M. A., Ishola, M.M., Taherzadeh, M.J., Mohamad Annuar, M.S., Simarani, K.2016Effects of pretreatment of single and mixed lignocellulosic substrates on production of endoglucanase by Bacillus aerius S5.2BioResources, 11(3), 6708-6726
Osadolor, O.A., Lundin, M., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Membrane stress analysis of collapsible tanks and bioreactorsBiochem. Eng. J., 114: 62-69
Fellahi, S., Abdelwaheb, C., Feuk-Lagerstedt, E., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Identification of two new keratinolytic prorteases from a Bacillus pumilus strain using protein analysis and gene sequencing,AMB Express, 6: 42, 8 pages, DOI 10.1186/s13568-016-0213-0
Patinvoh, R.J., Feuk-Lagerstedt, E., Lundin, M., Sárvári Horváth, I., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Biological Pretreatment of Chicken Feather and Biogas production from Total BrothAppl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 180: 1401–1415
Chandolias, K., Pardayev, S., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Biohydrogen and Carboxylic Acids Production from Wheat Straw HydrolysateBioresource Technol., 216: 1093-1097
Mahboubi, A., Ylitervo, P., Wim, D., De Wever, H., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Reverse Membrane Bioreactor: Introduction to a New Technology for Biofuel productionBiotechnol. Adv., 34(5): 954-975
Pietrzak, W., Kawa-Rygielska, J., Król, B., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Ethanol, feed components and fungal biomass production from field bean (Vicia faba var. equina) seeds in an integrated processBioresource Technol., 216: 69-76
Rajendran, K., Rajoli, S., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Techno-Economic Analysis of Integrating First and Second-Generation Ethanol Production Using Filamentous Fungi: An Industrial Case Study,Energies, 9: 359
Nair, R.B., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Mycelial pellet formation by edible ascomycete filamentous fungi Neurospora intermediaAMB Express, 6: 31, 10 pages, DOI 10.1186/s13568-016-0203-2
Westman, S.Y., Chandolias, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Syngas Biomethanation in a Semi-continuous Reverse Membrane Bioreactor (RMBR)Fermentation, 2(8): 1-12
Ferreira, J.A., Mahboubi, A., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2016Waste biorefineries using filamentous ascomycetes fungi: present status and future prospectsBioresource Technol., 215: 334-345
Kabir, M.M., Taherzadeh, M.J., Horváth, I. S.2015Dry anaerobic digestion of lignocellulosic and protein residuesBiofuel Res. J., 8: 309-316
Ishola, M. M., Ylitervo, P., and Taherzadeh, M. J.2015Co-utilization of Glucose and Xylose for Enhanced Lignocellulosic Ethanol Production with Reverse Membrane BioreactorMembranes, 5(4): 844-856
Osadolor, O.A., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2015Development of novel textile bioreactor for anaerobic utilization of flocculating yeast for ethanol productionFermentation, 1: 98-112
Batori, V., Ferreira, J.A., Taherzadeh, M.J., Lennartsson, P.R.2015Ethanol and protein from ethanol plant by-products using edible fungi Neurospora intermedia and Aspergillus oryzaeBioMed Res. Int., Article ID 176371, 10 pages
Akinbomi, J., Wikandari, R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2015Enhanced fermentative hydrogen and methane production from inhibitory-fruit flavour medium with membrane-encapsulated cellsMembranes, 5: 616-631
Trad, Z., Akinbomi, J., Vial, C., Larroche, C., Taherzadeh, M.J. Fontaine, J.P.2015Development of a Submerged Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor for Concurrent Extraction of Volatile Fatty Acids and Biohydrogen ProductionBioresource Technol., 196: 290-300
Ferreira, J.A., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2015Production of ethanol and biomass from thin stillage by Neurospora intermedia: A pilot study for process diversificationEng Life Sci, 15(8): 751-759
Akinbomi, J., Taherzadeh, M.J.2015Evaluation of fermentative hydrogen production from single and mixed fruit wastesEnergies, 8: 4253-4272
Jabbari, M. Åkesson, D., Skrifvars, M., Taherzadeh, M.J.2015Novel lightweight and highly thermally insulative silica aerogel-doped poly(vinyl chloride)-coated fabric compositeJournal of Applied Polymer Science, 34(19): 1581-1592
Ishola, M. M., Brandberg, T., and Taherzadeh, M. J.2015Simultaneous Glucose and Xylose Utilization for Improved Ethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass through SSFF with Encapsulated YeastBiomass Bioenergy, 77: 192-199
Pages-Díaza, J., Westman, J., Taherzadeh, M.J., Pereda Reyes I., Horváth, I.S.2015Semi-continuous co-digestion of solid cattle slaughterhouse wastes with other waste streams: interactions within the mixtures and methanogenic community structureChem. Eng. J., 273: 28-38
Nair, R.B., Lundin, M., Brandberg. T., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2015Dilute phosphoric acid pretreatment of wheat bran for enzymatic hydrolysis and subsequent ethanol production by edible fungi Neurospora intermediaIndustrial Crops and Products, 69: 314-323
Salehi Jouzani, Gh., Taherzadeh, M.J.2015Advances in consolidated bioprocessing systems for bioethanol and butanol production from biomass: a comprehensive reviewBiofuel Res. Int., 5: 152-195
Wikandari, R., Sari, N.K., A’yun, Q., Millati, R., Cahyanto, M.N., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2015Effect of lactone, ketone, and phenol on methane production and metabolic intermediates during anaerobic digestionAppl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 175(3): 1651-1663
Oechsner, H., Khanal, S.K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2015Advances in Biogas Research and ApplicationBioresource Technol., 176: 177
Osadolor, O.A., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2015Introducing textile as material of construction of ethanol bioreactorsEnergies, 7(11): 7555-7567
Fellahi, S., Gad, M.H., Zaghloul, T.I., Feuk-Lagerstedt, E., Taherzadeh, M.J.2015A Bacillus Strain Able to Hydrolyze Alpha- and Beta-Keratin,J Bioprocess Biotech, 4(7): 1-7 Article ID 1000181
Yazdani, P., Zamani, A., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2015Characterization of Nizimuddinia zanardini macroalgae biomass composition and its potential for biofuel production,Bioresource Technol., 176: 196-202
García, A., López, Y., Karimi, K., Benítez, A., Taherzadeh, M. J., Lundin, M., Martín, C.2015Chemical and physical characterization and acid hydrolysis of a mixture of Jatropha curcas shells and husksCellulose Chem. Technol., 49(9-10): 737-744
Youngsukkasem, S., Chandolias, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2015Rapid Bio-methanation of Syngas in a Reverse Membrane Bioreactor: Membrane Encased MicroorganismsBioresource Technol., 178: 334-340
Kabir, M.M., Rajendran, K., Taherzadeh, M.J., Horváth, I. S.2015Experimental and economical evaluation of bioconversion of forest residues to biogas using organosolv pretreatmentBioresource Technol., 178: 201-208
Rajendran, K., Rajoli, S., Teichert, O., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Impacts of retrofitting analysis on first generation ethanol production: Process design and techno-economics,Bioprocess Biosystem Eng, 38(2):389-397
Millati, R., Mustikaningrum, G., Yuliana, A., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.20142nd Generation Ethanol by Zygomycetes Fungi at Elevated TemperatureEnergy Procedia, 52: 104-109
Westman, J.O.; Mapelli, V., Taherzadeh, M.J., Franzen C.J.;2014Flocculation causes inhibitor tolerance in Saccharomyces cerevisiae for 2nd generation bioethanol productionAppl. Environ. Microbiol., 80(22): 6908-6918
Wikandari, R., Nguyen, H., Millati, R., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Improvement of biogas production from orange peel waste by leaching of LimoneneBioMed Res. Int., Article ID 494182: 1-7
Wikandari, R., Millati, R., Cahyanto, M.N., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Biogas production from citrus waste by membrane bioreactorMembranes, 4: 596-607
Paraj, A., Khanahmadi, M., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Reverse micellar extraction of fungal glucoamylase produced in solid state fermentation cultureJ. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 24(12): 1690-1698
Wikandari, R., Youngsukkasem, S., Millati, R., Taherzadeh M.J.2014Performance of semi-continuous membrane bioreactor in biogas production from toxic feedstock containing D-limoneneBioresource Technol., 170: 350-355
Shafiei, M., Karimi K., Zilouei, H., Taherzadeh, M.J.,2014Economic impact of NMMO pretreatment on ethanol and biogas production from pinewoodBioMed Res. Int., Article ID 320254
Shafiei, M., Karimi K., Zilouei, H., Taherzadeh, M.J.,2014Enhanced ethanol and biogas production from pinewood by NMMO pretreatment and detailed biomass analysisBioMed Res. Int., Article ID 469378
Ylitervo, P., Franzen, C.J., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Continuous ethanol production with a membrane bioreactor at high acetic acid concentrationsMembranes, 4(3): 372-387
Westman, J.O.; Bonander, N., Taherzadeh, M.J., Franzen C.J.;2014Improved sugar co-utilisation by encapsulation of a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain in alginate-chitosan capsulesBiotechnology for Biofuels, 7(102): 1-14
Ferreira, J.A., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Production of ethanol and biomass from thin stillage using food-grade Zygomycetes and Ascomycetes filamentous fungiEnergies, 7(6): 3872-3885
Aslanzadeh, S., Rajendran, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014A comparative study between single- and two-stage anaerobic digestion processes: Effects of organic loading rate and hydraulic retention timeInt. Biodeterior. Biodegradation, 95(A): 181-188
Barghi, H., Skrifvars, M., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Catalytic Synthesis of Bulk Hydrophilic Acetaldehyde-Modified Polyamide 46Current Organic Synthesis, 11(6): 288-294
Akinbomi, J., Brandberg, T., Sanni, S.A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Development and Dissemination Strategies for Accelerating Biogas Production in NigeriaBioresources, 9(3): 5707-5737
Ylitervo, P., Wim, D., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Fermentation of lignocellulosic hydrolyzate using a submerged membrane bioreactor at high dilution ratesBioresource Technol., 164: 64-69
Rajendran, K., Kankanala, H.R., Martinsson, R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Uncertainty over Techno-economic Potentials of Biogas from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW): A Case Study on an Industrial ProcessAppl. Energy, 125: 84-92
Kabir, M.M., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J., Horváth, I. S.2014Biogas production from lignocelluloses by N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide (NMMO) pretreatment: Effects of recovery and reuse of NMMOBioresource Technol., 161: 446-450
Pages-Díaza, J., Pereda Reyes I., Taherzadeh, M.J., Horváth, I.S., Lundin M.2014Anaerobic co-digestion of solid slaughterhouse wastes with agro-residues: Synergistic and antagonistic interactions determined in batch digestion assaysChem. Eng. J., 245(1): 89-98
Ishola M.M., Isroi, Taherzadeh M.J.2014Effect of Fungal and Phosphoric acid Pretreatment on Ethanol production from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunches (OPEFB)Bioresource Technol., 165: 9-12
Lennartsson, P.R., Erlandsson, P., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Integration of the first and second generation bioethanol processes and the importance of by-productBioresource Technol., 165: 3-8
Aslanzadeh, S., Borg, A., Taherzadeh, M.J., Horvath, I.S.2014Biogas production from N-Methylmorpholine-N-oxide (NMMO) pretreated forest residuesAppl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 172(6): 2998-3008
Rajendran, K., Kankanala, H.R., Lundin, M., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014A Novel Process Simulation Model (PSM) for Anaerobic Digestion Using Aspen PlusBioresource Technol., 168: 7-13
Yanti, H., Wikandari, R., Gudipudi, S., Pandiyan, I., Millati, R., Taherzadeh M.J.2014Effect of ester compounds in biogas production: Beneficial or detrimental?Energy Sci. Eng., 2(1): 22-30
Gomez, P.F., Lennartsson, P.R., Persson, N.K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Heavy metal biosorption by Rhizopus sp. biomass immobilized on textilesWater, Air, & Soil Pollution, 225(2):1834
Teghammar, A., Forgacs, G., Horvath, I.S., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Techno-economic study of NMMO pretreatment and biogas production from forest residues,Applied Energy, 116: 125-133
Bidgoli, H., Zamani, A., Jeihanipour, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2014Preparation of carboxymethyl cellulose superabsorbents from waste textiles Fibers and PolymersFibers and Polymers, 15(3): 431-436
Youngsukkasem, S., Barghi, H., Rakshit, S.K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Rapid Biogas Production by Compact Multi-layer Membrane Bioreactor: Efficiency of Synthetic Polymeric MembranesEnergies, 6(12): 6211-6224
Harmini, S., Hutomo, M.D., Bahruddin, L., Millati, R., Cahyanto, M.N., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Fungal Pretreatment of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch: Effect of Manganese and NitrogenCellulose Chem. Technol., 47(9-10): 751-757
FazeliNejad, S., Brandberg, T., Lennartsson P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Inhibitor tolerance: A comparison between Rhizopus sp. and Saccharomyces cerevisiaeBioResources, 8(4): 8(4): 5524-5535
Kabir, M.M., del Pilar Castillo, M., Taherzadeh, M.J. Horváth, I. S.2013Effect of the N-Methylmorpholine-N-Oxide (NMMO) Pretreatment on Anaerobic Digestion of Forest ResiduesBioResources, 8(4): 5409-5423
Barghi, H., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Synthesis of an electroconductive Membrane by Poly(hydroxymethyl 3, 4-Ethylenedioxythiophene-co-tetramethylene-N-hydroxyethyl adipamide)J. Material Chem. C, 1(39): 6347-6354
Ishola, M. M., Babapour, A. B., Gavitar, M. N., Brandberg, T., and Taherzadeh, M. J.2013Effect of high solids loading on bacterial contamination in lignocellulosic ethanol productionBioResources 8(3): 4429-4439
Aslanzadeh, S., Rajendran, K., Jeihanipour, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013The effect of effluent recirculation in a semi-continuous two-stage anaerobic digestionEnergies, 6(6): 2966-2981
Ylitervo, P., Akinbomi, J., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Membrane bioreactors’ potential for ethanol and biogas production: A reviewEnvironmental Technol, 34(13-14): 1711-1723
Nyman, J., Lacintra, M.G., Westman, J.O., Berglin, M., Lundin, M., Lennartsson, P.R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Pellet formation of zygomycetes and immobilization of yeastNew Biotechnol., 30(5): 516-522
Rajendran, K., Aslanzadeh, S., Johansson, F., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Experimental and Economical Evaluation of a Novel Biogas DigesterEnergy Conversion & Management, 74: 183-191
Ylitervo, P., Franzen, C.J., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Impact of furfural on rapid ethanol production using a membrane bioreactorEnergies, 6(3): 1604-1617
Forgács G., Niklasson, C., Hováth I.S., Taherzadeh M.J.2013Methane Production from Feather Waste Pretreated with Ca(OH)2: Process Development and Economical AnalysisWaste Biomass Valorization, 5: 65-73
Youngsukkasem, S., Akinbomi, J., Rakshit, S.K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Biogas production by encased bacteria in synthetic membranes: Protective effects in toxic media and high loading ratesEnvironmental Technol, 34(13-14): 2077-2084
Ishola M.M., Jahandideh, A., Haidarian, B., Brandberg T., Taherzadeh M.J.2013Simultaneous Saccharification, Filtration and Fermentation (SSFF): A novel method for Bioethanol Production from Lignocellulosic BiomassBioresource Technol., 133: 68-73
Forgács G., Lundin M., Taherzadeh M.J., Hováth I.S.2013Pretreatment of chicken feather waste for improved biogas productionAppl. Biochem Biotechnol, 169(7): 2016-2028
Wikandari, R., Gudipudi, S., Pandiyan, I., Millati, R., Taherzadeh M.J.2013Inhibitory Effect of Fruit Flavors on Methane Production During Anaerobic DigestionBioresource Technol., 145: 188-192
Ishola M.M., Brandberg T., Sanni S.A., Taherzadeh M.J.2013Biofuels in Nigeria; A Critical and Strategic EvaluationRenewable Energy, 55: 554-560
Bazooyar, F., Taherzadeh, M.J., Niklasson C., Bolton, K.2013Molecular modeling of cellulose dissolutionJ. Comput. Theor. Nanosci., 10(11): 2639-2648
Ferreira, J.A., Lennartsson, P.R., Edebo. L., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Zygomycetes-based biorefinery: Present status and future prospectsBioresource Technol., 135: 523-532
Ylitervo, P., Franzen, C.J., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Mechanically robust polysiloxane-ACA capsules for prolonged ethanol productionJ. Chem. Technol Biotechnol., 88(6): 1080-1088
Goshadrou, A., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Ethanol and biogas production from birch by NMMO-pretreatmentBiomass Bioenergy, 49: 95-101
Rajendran, K., Björk, H., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013): Borås, a Zero Waste City in SwedenJ Develop Management, 1: 3-8
Minh, H.K.Q.; Lennartsson, P:R; Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Dimorphism of Mucor indicus: different gene expressions between yeast-like and filamentous growthMinerva Biotecnologica, 25(1): 1-8
Jeihanipour, A., Aslanzadeh, S., Rajendran, K., Balasubramanian, G., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013High-rate biogas production from waste textiles using a two-stage processRenewable Energy, 52: 128-135
Purwandari, F.A; Sanjaya, A.P, Millati R., Cahyanto, M.N.; Horváth I.S., Niklasson C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Pretreatment of oil palm empty fruit bunch (OPEFB) by N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide (NMMO) for biogas production: Structural changes and digestion improvementBioresource Technol., 128: 461-466
Westman, J.O.; Ylitervo, P., Franzen C.J.; Taherzadeh, M.J.2013Effects of encapsulation of microorganisms on product formation during microbial fermentationsAppl. Microbio. Biotechnol., 12(6): 1441-1454
Cabrera-Rodríquez, E., Curbelo-Hernández, C., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2012Effect of sodium hydroxide pretreatment at low temperature on chemical composition and enzymatic hydrolysis of spruceRevista CENIC Ciencias Químicas, 43: 1-9
Shafiei, M., Ziluoei, H., Zamani, A., Taherzadeh, M.J., Karimi K.2012Enhancement of ethanol production from spruce wood chips by ionic liquid pretreatmentApplied Energy, 102(2): 163-169
Isroi; Ishola, M.M.; Millati, R.; Syamsiah, S.; Cahyanto, M.N.; Niklasson, C.; Taherzadeh, M.J.2012Structural Changes of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (OPEFB) after Fungal and Phosphoric Acid PretreatmentMolecules, 17(12): 14995-15002
Westman, J.O.; Taherzadeh, M.J.; Franzen C.J.2012Proteomic analysis of the increased stress tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encapsulated in liquid core alginate-chitosan capsulesPLOS ONE, 7(11): e49335
Zamani, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2012Production of superabsorbents from fungal chitosanIran Polym J, 21(12): 845-853
Westman, J.O.; Manikondu, R.B., Franzen C.J.; Taherzadeh, M.J.2012Encapsulation-induced stress helps Saccharomyces cerevisiae resist convertible lignocellulose derived inhibitorsInt. J. Mol. Sci., 13(9): 11881-11894
Rajendran, K., Aslanzadeh, S., Taherzadeh, M.J.2012Household biogas digesters – a reviewEnergies, 5(8): 2911-2942
Teghammar,A., Chandra,R., Saddler, J.N., Taherzadeh, M.J., Horváth, I.S.2012Substrate characteristic analysis for anaerobic digestion: A study on rice and triticale strawBioResource, 7(3): 3921-3934
Lennartsson, P:R; Ylitervo, P., Larsson C., Edebo L., Taherzadeh, M.J.2012Growth tolerance of Zygomycetes Mucor indicus in orange peel hydrolysate without detoxificationProcess Biochemistry, 47(5): 836-842
Westman, J.O.; Taherzadeh, M.J.; Franzen C.J.2012Inhibitor tolerance and flocculation of a yeast strain suitable for 2nd generation bioethanolElectronic J Biotechnol, 15(3): 1-14
Wikandari, R.; Millati, R., Lennartsson P. R., Harmayani E., Taherzadeh M.J.2012Isolation and Characterization of Zygomycetes Fungi from Tempe for Ethanol Production and Biomass ApplicationsAppl. Biochem. Biotechnol., 167(6): 1501-1512
Mohsenzadeh, A., Jeihanipour, A., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2012Alkali pretreatment of softwood spruce and hardwood birch by NaOH/thiourea, NaOH/urea, NaOH/urea/thiourea, and NaOH/PEG for improve of ethanol and biogas production,J. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 87(8): 1209-1214
Khodaverdi, M., Jeihanipour, A., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2012Kinetic modeling of rapid enzymatic hydrolysis of crystalline cellulose after pretreatment by NMMOJ. Ind. Microbiol Biotechnol., 39: 429-438
Forgács G., Pourbafrani M., Niklasson C., Taherzadeh M.J., Hováth I.S.2012Methane Production from Citrus Wastes Process Development and Cost EstimationJ. Chem. Technol. Biotechnol., 87:250-255
Teghammar, A., Karimi, K., Horvath, I.S., Taherzadeh, M.J.2012Enhanced biogas production from rice straw, triticale straw and softwood spruce by NMMO pretreatmentBiomass Bioenergy, 36(1): 116-120
Talebnia, F., Taherzadeh, M.J.2012Utilization of carbohydrates content of paper tube residuals for ethanol productionCarbohydrate Polymers, 87(3): 2149-2153
Akbari, H., Karimi, K., Lundin, M., Taherzadeh, M. J.2012Optimization of baker's yeast drying in industrial continuous fluidized-bed dryerFood and Bioproducts Processing, 90(1): 52-57
Ferreira, J.A., Lennartsson, P.R., Niklasson, C., Lundin, M., Edebo. L., Taherzadeh, M.J.2012Spent sulfite liquor for cultivation of an edible Rhizopus spBioResources, 7(1): 173-188
Youngsukkasem, S., Rakshit, S.K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2012Biogas production by encapsulated digesting bacteriaBioResources 7(1): 56-65
Majdejabbari, S., Barghi, H., Taherzadeh. M.J.2011Synthesis and Properties of a Novel Biosuperabsorbent from Alkali Soluble Rhizomucor pusillus ProteinsAppl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 92(6): 1171-1177
Asachi, R., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2011Fungal autolysate as a nutrient supplement for ethanol and chitosan production byMucor indicus, Biotechnol. Lett., 33(12): 2405-2409
Aslanzadeh, S., Taherzadeh, M. J., and Sárvári Horváth, I.2011Pretreatment of straw fraction of manure for improved biogas production,BioResources6(4), 5193-5205
Isroi, Millati, R., Syamsiah, S., Niklasson, C., Cahyanto, M.N., Lundquist,K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2011Biological pretreatment of lignocelluloses with white-rot fungi and its applications: A reviewBioResources, 6(4), 5224-5259
Ylitervo, P., Franzen, C.J., Taherzadeh, M.J.2011Ethanol production at elevated temperatures using encapsulation of yeastJ. Biotechnol., 156: 22-29
Gheinani A.H., Jahromi N.H., Feuk-Lagerstedt E., Taherzadeh M.J.2011RNA silencing of lactate dehydrogenase gene in Rhizopus oryzaeJ. RNA Gene Silencing, 7: 443-448
Shafiei, M., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2011Techno-economical study of ethanol and biogas from spruce wood by NMMO-pretreatment and rapid fermentation and digestionBioresource Technol, 102(17): 7879-7886
Jafari, V., Labafzadeh, S.R., Jeihanipour, A., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2011Construction and demolition lignocellulosic wastes to bioethanolRenewable Energy, 36(11): 2771-2775
Goshadrou, A., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2011Bioethanol production from sweet sorghum bagasse by Mucor hiemalisIndustrial Crops and Products, 34(1): 1219-1225
Jeihanipour, A., Niklasson, C. Taherzadeh, M.J.,2011Enhancement of solubilization rate of cellulose in anaerobic digestion and its drawbacksProcess Biochemistry, 46(7): 1509-1514
Dehnavi, G.Z., Laucerica, J.L., Rodríguez, D., Beatón, M., Taherzadeh, M.J., Martin, C.2011Fractionation of the main components of barley spent grains from a microbreweryCellulose Chem. Technol, 45(5-6): 339-345
Millati, R., Wikandari, R., Trihandayani, E.T., Cahyanto, M.N., Taherzadeh M.J., and Niklasson, C.2011Ethanol from Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch via Dilute-Acid Hydrolysis and Fermentation by Mucor indicus and Saccharomyces cerevisiaeAgricultural J., 6(2): 54-59
Lennartsson, P.R., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh M.J.2011A pilot study on lignocelluloses to ethanol and fish feed using NMMO pretreatment and cultivation with Zygomycetes in an airlift reactorBioresource Technol., 102(6): 4425-4432
Soudham, P.R.; Rodríguez D., Rocha G.J.M.; Taherzadeh M.J.; Martín C.2011Acetosolv delignification of marabou (Dichrostachys cinerea) wood with and without acid prehydrolysisForestry Studies in China, 13(1): 64-70
Abtahi, Z., Millati, R., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2010Ethanol production by Mucor indicus at high glucose and ethanol concentrationsMinerva Biotechnologica, 22(3-4): 83-89
Shafiei, M., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2010Palm Date Fibers: Analysis and Enzymatic HydrolysisInt. J. Mol. Sci. 11(11), 4285-4296
Hosseinpour, H., Karimi, K., Zilouei, H., Taherzadeh, M.J.2010Simultaneous pretreatment of lignocellulose and hydrolysis of starch in mixtures to sugarsBioResources, 5(4): 2457-2469
Bidgoli, H., Zamani, A.; Taherzadeh, M.J.2010Effect of carboxymethylation conditions on water binding capacity of chitosan-based superabsorbentsCarbohydrate Res., 345: 2683-2689
López, Y., García, A., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M. J., and Martín, C.2010Chemical characterisation and dilute-acid hydrolysis of rice hulls from an artisan millBioResources 5(4), 2268-2277
Zamani, A.; Edebo, L.; Niklasson, C.; Taherzadeh, M.J.2010Temperature Shifts for Extraction and Purification of Zygomycetes Chitosan with Dilute Sulfuric AcidInt. J. Mol. Sci. 2010, 11, 2976-2987
Zamani, A.; Taherzadeh, M.J.2010Effects of partial dehydration and freezing temperature on water binding capacity of chitosan-based superabsorbentsInd. Eng. Chem. Res., 49(17): 8094-8099
Jeihanipour, A., Karimi, K., Niklasson, C. Taherzadeh, M.J.,2010A novel process for ethanol or biogas production from cellulose in blended-fibers waste textilesWaste Management, 30: 2504-2509
Zamani, A.; Taherzadeh, M.J.2010Production of low molecular weight chitosan by hot dilute sulfuric acidBioResources, 5(3): 1554-1564
Lohrasbi, M., Pourbafrani, M., Niklasson C., Taherzadeh M.J.2010Process design and economic analysis of a citrus waste biorefinery with biofuels and limonene as productsBioresource Technol, 101(19): 7382-7388
Mirahmadi, K, Kabir M.M., Jeihanipour, A., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2010Alkaline pretreatment of spruce and birch to improve bioethanol and biogas productionBioResources, 5(2): 928-938
Majdejabbari, S., Barghi, H., Taherzadeh. M.J.2010Synthesis and characterization of biosuperabsorbent based on ovalbumin proteinJ. Macromol. Sci. Part A: Pure Appl. Chem., 47(7): 708-715
Pourbafrani, M., Forgács G., Horvath I.S., Niklasson C., Taherzadeh M.J.2010Production of biofuels, limonene and pectin from citrus wastesBioresource Technol, 101(11): 4246-4250
Zamani, A.; Henriksson, D.; Taherzadeh, M.J.2010A new foaming technique for production of superabsorbents from carboxymethyl chitosanCarbohydrate Polymers, 80(4): 1091-1101
Jeihanipour, A., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2010Enhancement of ethanol and biogas production from high-crystalline cellulose by different modes of NMO pretreatmentBiotech. Bioeng., 105(3): 469-476
Shafiei, M., Karimi, K., Taherzadeh, M.J.2010Pretreatment of spruce and oak by N-methylmorpholine-N-oxide (NMMO) for efficient conversion of their cellulose to ethanolBioresource Technol, 101(13): 4914-4918
Teghammar, A., Yngvesson, J., Lundin, M. Taherzadeh, M.J., Horváth I.S.2010Pretreatment of paper tube residuals for improved biogas productionBioresource Technol, 101(4): 1206-1212
Taherzadeh, M.J.2009Waste to wealthVetenskap för Profession, 10:73-38
Lennartsson, P.R., Karimi K., Edebo L., Taherzadeh M.J.2009Effects of different growth forms of Mucor indicus on cultivation on dilute-acid lignocellulosic hydrolyzate, inhibitor tolerance, and cell wall compositionJ Biotechnol., 143: 255-261
Abedinifar, S., Karimi, K., Khanahmadi, M., Taherzadeh, M.J.2009Ethanol production by Mucor indicus and Rhizopus oryzae from rice straw by separate hydrolysis and fermentationBiomass Bioenergy, 33(5): 828-833
Dehkhoda, A., Brandberg, T, Taherzadeh, M.J.2009Comparison of vacuum and high pressure evaporated wood hydrolyzate for ethanol production by repeated fed-batch using flocculating Saccharomyces cerevisiaeBioResources, 4(1): 309-320
Jeihanipour, A., Taherzadeh, M.J.2009production from cotton-based waste textilesBioresource Technol, 100(2): 1007-1010
Sharifia, M., Karimi K., Taherzadeh M.J.2008Production of ethanol by filamentous and yeast-like forms of Mucor indicus from fructose, glucose, sucrose, and molassesJ. Ind. Microb. Biotechnol., 35(11): 1253-1259
Zamani, A.; Jeihanipour, A.; Edebo, L.; Niklasson, C.; Taherzadeh, M.J.2008Determination of glucosamine and N-acetyl glucosamine in fungal cell wallsJ. Agri. Food Chem., 56(18): 8314-8318
Taherzadeh M.J., Karimi K.,2008Pretreatment of lignocellulosic wastes to improve ethanol and biogas production: A reviewInt. J. Mol. Sci., 9: 1621-1651
Millati R., Karimi K., Edebo L., Niklasson C., Taherzadeh M.J.2008Ethanol production from xylose and wood hydrolyzate by Mucor indicus at different aeration ratesBioResources, 3(4): 1020-1029
Ebrahimi, F., Khanahmadi, M., Roodpeyma, Sh., Taherzadeh, M.J.2008Ethanol production from bread residuesBiomass Bioenergy, 32: 333-337
Karimi K., Edebo, L., Taherzadeh M.J.2008Mucor indicus as a biofilter and fermenting organism in continuous ethanol production from lignocellulosic hydrolyzateBiochem. Eng. J., 39(2):383-388
Purwadi, R., Taherzadeh, M.J.2008The performance of serial bioreactors in rapid continuous production of ethanol from dilute-acid hydrolyzates using immobilized cellsBioresource Technol, 99(7): 2226-2233
Talebnia, F., Pourbafrani, M., Lundin, M., Taherzadeh, M.J.2008Optimization study of citrus wastes Saccharification by dilute acid hydrolysisBioResources, 3(1): 108-122
Zamani, A. Edebo, L., Sjöström, B., Taherzadeh, M.J.2007Extraction and precipitation of chitosan from cell wall of zygomycetes fungi by dilute sulfuric acidBiomacromolecules, 8(12): 3786-3790
Talebnia, F., C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2007Physiological and Morphological Study of Encapsulated Saccharomyces cerevisiaeEnzyme Microb. Technol., 41(6-7): 683-688
Pourbafrani, M., Talebnia, F., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2007Protective Effect of Encapsulation in Fermentation of Limonene-contained Media and Orange Peel HydrolyzateInt. J. Mol. Sci. 8(8): 777-787
Taherzadeh M.J., Karimi K.2007Enzymatic-based hydrolysis processes for ethanol from lignocellulosic materials: A reviewBioResources, 2(4): 707-738
Taherzadeh M.J., Karimi K.2007Acid-based hydrolysis processes for ethanol from lignocellulosic materials: A reviewBioResources, 2(3): 472-499
Purwadi, R., Brandberg, T., Taherzadeh, M.J.2007A Possible Industrial Solution to Ferment Lignocellulosic Hydrolyzate to Ethanol: Continuous Cultivation with Flocculating YeastInt. J. Mol. Sci. 2007, 8(9), 920-932
Jeihanipour A., Karimi K., Taherzadeh M.J.2007Antimicrobial properties of fungal chitosanRes J Biol Sci, 2(3): 239-243
Brandberg,T., Karimi,K., Taherzadeh, M.J., Franzén, C.J., Gustafsson L.2007Continuous fermentation of wheat-supplemented lignocellulose hydrolysate with different types of cell retentionBiotech. Bioeng., 98(1): 80-90
Arabi, R., Bemanian, S., Taherzadeh, M.J.2007Rapid Biodegradation of Methyl tert–Butyl Ether (MTBE) by Pure Bacterial culturesIran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng., 26(1): 1-7
Talebnia, F., C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2006In situ detoxification and continuous cultivation of dilute-acid hydrolyzate to ethanol by encapsulated S. cerevisiaeJ. Biotechnol., 125(3): 377-384
Karimi K., Emtiazi G., Taherzadeh M.J.2006Ethanol production from dilute-acid pretreated rice straw by simultaneous saccharification and fermentation with Mucor indicus, Rhizopus oryzae, and Saccharomyces cerevisiaeEnzyme Microb. Technol., 40: 138-144
Karimi K., Kheradmandinia Sh., Taherzadeh, M.J.2006Conversion of rice straw to sugars by dilute-acid hydrolysisBiomass Bioenergy, 30(3): 247-253
Karimi K., Emtiazi G., Taherzadeh M.J.2006Production of ethanol and mycelial biomass from rice straw hemicellulose hydrolyzate by Mucor indicusProcess Biochem. 41(3): 653-658
Kjellstrand, R., Mattsson, A., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2005Short circuiting in a denitrifying activated sludge tankWater Sci. Technol., 52(10-11): 79-87
Karimi K., Brandberg T., Edebo L., Taherzadeh M.J.2005Fed-batch cultivation of Mucor indicus in dilute-acid lignocellulosic hydrolyzate for ethanol production,Biotechnol. Lett.27(18): 1395-1400
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Millati, R. Edebo, L. and Taherzadeh, M. J.2005Performance of Rhizopus, Rhizomucor and Mucor in Ethanol Production from Glucose, Xylose and Wood HydrolyzatesEnzyme Microb. Technol., 36 (2-3): 294-300
Talebnia, F., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2004Ethanol production from glucose and dilute-acid hydrolyzates by encapsulated S. cerevisiaeBiotechnol. Bioeng., 90(3): 345-353
Purwadi, R., Niklasson, C., Taherzadeh, M.J.2004Kinetic study of detoxification of dilute-acid hydrolyzates by Ca(OH)2J. Biotechnol. 114(1-2): 187-198
Horváth, I. S., Franzén C. J., Taherzadeh, M. J., Niklasson, C., and Lidén, G.2003Effects of Furfural on the Respiratory Metabolism of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Glucose-limited Chemostats: Metabolic Modeling of Furfural ConversionApplied and Enviromnental Microbiology, 69(7): 4076-4086
Taherzadeh, M.J., Fox, M., Hjorth, H., Edebo, L.,2003Cultivation of Rhizopus oryzae in synthetic medium and paper pulp sulfite liquor to produce mycelium biomass, ethanol and lactic acidBioresource Technol., 88(3): 167-177
Millati, R., Niklasson, C. and Taherzadeh, M. J.2002Effect of pH, time and temperature of overliming on detoxification of dilute-acid hydrolyzates for cultivation by Saccharomyces cerevisiaeProcess Biochem., 38(4): 515-523
Nilsson, A., Taherzadeh, M.J. & Lidén, G.2002On-line estimation of sugar concentration for control of ethanol production from lignocellulosic hydrolyzates by Saccharomyces cerevisiaeBioprocess Biosys. Eng., 25(3): 183-191
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Taherzadeh M.J., Adler L., Lidén, G.2002Strategies for enhancing fermentative production of glycerol – a reviewEnzyme Microb. Technol., 31(1-2): 53-66
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Nilsson, A., Taherzadeh, M.J. & Lidén, G.2001Use of dynamic step response for control of fed-batch conversion of lignocellulosic hydrolyzates to ethanolJ. Biotechnol., 89(1): 41-54
Horváth, I. S., Taherzadeh, M. J., Niklasson, C., and Lidén, G.2001Effects of furfural on anaerobic continuous cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiaeBiotechnol. Bioeng., 75(5): 540-549
Taherzadeh M.J., Gustafsson L., Niklasson C., Lidén G.2000Inhibition effects of furfural on aerobic batch cultivation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae growing on ethanol and/or acetic acidJ. Biosci. Bioeng., 90(4): 374-380
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Taherzadeh M.J., Gustafsson L., Niklasson C., Lidén G.2000Physiological effects of 5-hydroxymethyl furfural (HMF) on Saccharomyces cerevisiaeAppl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 53(6): 701-708
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Taherzadeh M.J., Niklasson C., Lidén G.1997Acetic acid - Friend or foe in anaerobic batch conversion of glucose to ethanol by ?;Saccharomyces cerevisiae Chem. Eng. Sci., 52(15), 2653-2659
Taherzadeh M.J., Lidén G., Gustafsson L., Niklasson C.1996The Effect of Pantothenate Deficiency and Acetate Addition on Anaerobic Batch Fermentation of Glucose bySaccharomyces Cerevisiae; Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol., 46(2), 176-182